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National League statement - 24 June 2024

Just as importantly what advancements have been made with the 🐀 since Fridays update that he had moved closer to the red lines.
The million, the 500k all mean nothing if he’s reverted to type and started stalling again
Yes, I am concerned that there has been no update on this today.
Meow. We don’t know the ins and outs, no matter what various press releases are saying. Folks determined to believe the worst will do that, others of us prefer to retain a smidge of hope until it is proven that there is none.
The fact that one of the people trying to get the deal done reacts like that says a lot to me.
Ron Martin still owns your club, if he has a shred of decency in his DNA he should release a statement from his / citizens standpoint

CUSA have been exemplary but in the interests of 8,000 peoples mental health they too should put out a statement to keep
You updated with their current thoughts and options (I mean that, some of you must literally be really struggling mentally)

CllrDanielCowan should release a statement advising of the most recent developments with Ron Martin and the cogs that need to turn associated with any positive progress
@CllrDanielCowan Ron Martin, Julie Martin, Jack Martin and Tom Martin will pay for this. Thanks to them I’m in tears!!!! TIME TO RIOT AT THEIR OWN HOUSE GUYS!
I know you, and many others, are upset but you must follow the common sense rules of the Punisher School of Crime.

I am Frank Castle (look me up) and the first rule of being a criminal is NEVER EVER tell people your intentions of doing anything bad.

Never trust people to keep their mouths shut.

Stay safe.

The national league proving once again how much it hates this ****ing club. The timing of it is absolutely tone deaf to the point I wonder if it was intentional.

Let’s not let it detract from the fact that Ron Martin has absolutely murdered this club though.

What an incredibly depressing state of affairs. Feels like the world’s slowest death. It just doesn’t ever end does it? Like, never, ever ends?
Ron Martin still owns your club, if he has a shred of decency in his DNA he should release a statement from his / citizens standpoint (Ron martin has no decency he is a ****)

CUSA have been exemplary but in the interests of 8,000 peoples mental health they too should put out a statement to keep
You updated with their current thoughts and options (I mean that, some of you must literally be really struggling mentally)

CllrDanielCowan should release a statement advising of the most recent developments with Ron Martin and the cogs that need to turn associated with any positive progress
Appeal - No Precedent so cannot use us as example. In no league in the world as I can find has a club been made to post a Bond!
This does seem to be very bad news.

I have said in the past that the W.U.P. could be a deliberate act to achieve the aim of getting the sale concluded - that is, push the sale forward by putting a firm date in the diary.

And I therefore have some time for the view that the National League are also trying to push the change of ownership along ..... whilst in a very crude way safeguarding their league. IT doesn't feel like it is being very helpful though.

I have my fingers crossed that this can be sorted out ........ albeit so late in the day.
Consortium won’t put it up (and nor should they) and Ron can’t put it up (even though he ****ing should). So, what now?
No surprise that NL have made this statement although timing is odd as I thought it might happen after the court hearing.However more pressure on the Martin's to agree to get this done.The council have made there position clear will the Martins respond or continue to drag there feet if they do I dread to think what will happen
Looks like the only way out of this is to lodge an appeal, ask for an adjournment and pray to God that both are accepted and that this buys enough time for the deal to be concluded. COSU were willing to pay to get rid of the WUP (well at least some of them were) but they aren’t paying this.
I know you have connections, is this just your opinion or have you been told this out of interest?