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I'm a little bit lost here....for years he was a back bench party MP whom few had heard of, what exactly has he negotiated?, and under what authority?

You are right in one respect, if he deems it ok to share a stage with people who have vile views, then he will be judged on that.
You don't need to be the PM to enter into discussions and negotiations with people.
Cameron invites over the Chinese President and practically bends over for him, Thatcher had a love in with Pinochet but lets have a go at JC. A few people in the Labour Government are racists? Without a doubt, but I bet you there's far more in the Tory Party, and UKIP is stuffed with them.

Not sure what you are trying to tell us here....you might want to perform a quick edit?
That hasn't answered the question though, has it?
To answer it properly you'd have to look at who he met and when and why. There have been complaints that these threads turn into tit for tat bore fests so I'll just stick with 'he discusses and negotiates' and I'll also ignore Rigsby wanting to bring the Falklands into the discussion (?!!) for the greater good. Who Corbyn has shared a platform with in the past has been done to death so everyone will make their own judgement on how important that is.
To answer it properly you'd have to look at who he met and when and why. There have been complaints that these threads turn into tit for tat bore fests so I'll just stick with 'he discusses and negotiates' and I'll also ignore Rigsby wanting to bring the Falklands into the discussion (?!!) for the greater good. Who Corbyn has shared a platform with in the past has been done to death so everyone will make their own judgement on how important that is.

Which is the whole point, it isn't just one person on one occasion...otherwise he might get away with it being an error of Judgement.
To the best of my knowledge he never met any of these people with a mandate to negotiate, so to use that as a defence is a bit thin.
Which is the whole point, it isn't just one person on one occasion...otherwise he might get away with it being an error of Judgement.
To the best of my knowledge he never met any of these people with a mandate to negotiate, so to use that as a defence is a bit thin.
Well if you want to come up with a list of dates and people that he met that you are offended by then we can see what we can find out on a case by case basis. Or we can agree to disagree.
Cameron invites over the Chinese President and practically bends over for him, Thatcher had a love in with Pinochet but lets have a go at JC. A few people in the Labour Government are racists? Without a doubt, but I bet you there's far more in the Tory Party, and UKIP is stuffed with them.

With all due respect, I had a go at them too.

The fact is Corduroy has shared a platform with people he knows to be racist, because they have expressed their views years before, and doesn't have a problem with that. To say he doesn't vet the rest of the speakers at rallies he attends is a pretty poor argument since that is exactly what he should do if we wants appear to be "whiter than white" (for want a better expression).

He has allowed racists to be re-admitted to the Labour party even though they were thrown out previously for their racist views. He has then only dismissed them again when the leader of a different party (Camerscum) has had a go at him.

Yes I agree, there are always, and will always be, bad apples. The difference is now that they have a leader who is more than sympathetic to their views, and this minority are becoming increasingly vociferous, and large in their numbers as a consequence. They are also becoming more brazen: they believe totally in free speech, until that free speech is used to defend something they disagree with. At that point they try to disrupt speakers and rallies, and call people all names under the sun.

In case you missed it, this is a clip of a guy that was re-admitted to the Labour party under Corduroy (before he was expelled because Camerscum had a go):

The people who hate Israel, claiming its because of the occupation of Palestine. Are always the first to say we should not have gone to war with Argentina and in fact even now should hand over the Falklands.

What is your point here exactly? :unsure:

(Please note that there is a huge difference between criticism of Israel's Zionist policies and anti-semitism as such).
Which is the whole point, it isn't just one person on one occasion...otherwise he might get away with it being an error of Judgement.
To the best of my knowledge he never met any of these people with a mandate to negotiate, so to use that as a defence is a bit thin.
To quote:

He said he had been “shocked and horrified” by anti-Semitic comments from two Labour members, who have been either suspended or expelled.

Presumably the same two people mentioned above.....who have been expelled.
With all due respect, I had a go at them too.

The fact is Corduroy has shared a platform with people he knows to be racist, because they have expressed their views years before, and doesn't have a problem with that. To say he doesn't vet the rest of the speakers at rallies he attends is a pretty poor argument since that is exactly what he should do if we wants appear to be "whiter than white" (for want a better expression).

He has allowed racists to be re-admitted to the Labour party even though they were thrown out previously for their racist views. He has then only dismissed them again when the leader of a different party (Camerscum) has had a go at him.

Yes I agree, there are always, and will always be, bad apples. The difference is now that they have a leader who is more than sympathetic to their views, and this minority are becoming increasingly vociferous, and large in their numbers as a consequence. They are also becoming more brazen: they believe totally in free speech, until that free speech is used to defend something they disagree with. At that point they try to disrupt speakers and rallies, and call people all names under the sun.

In case you missed it, this is a clip of a guy that was re-admitted to the Labour party under Corduroy (before he was expelled because Camerscum had a go):


For many many years Corbyn was 'just' a backbencher so would not have the authority to vet every speaker at every rally he ever spoke at, nor the inclination. If he is asked the question 'do you wish to align yourself with person X?' then he should be judged on his answer. Surely there is more value in holding Corbyn to account for what he says than what others have said whilst being in the same room as him.

Clearly at the bottom of the screen it says 'expelled from Labour' presumably for not representing the values of the Labour Party.
What is your point here exactly? :unsure:

(Please note that there is a huge difference between criticism of Israel's Zionist policies and anti-semitism as such).

Hypocrisy is the point. Its cool to ban Jewish speakers and make Jewish students feel uncomfortable at universities. You your self are against the occupation of Palestine, which is fine there are things that I certainly don't agree with that Israel do.

I don't agree with Argentina invading an island that was populated by Europeans before Argentina even existed. What about the Turkish occupation of Cyprus. What about Zimbabwe. Or the fact that despite the majority of the people of Northern Ireland wanting to remain part of Britain your leader was happy to swan around with people who thought they could get what they want by murder not ballot box.
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To quote:

He said he had been “shocked and horrified” by anti-Semitic comments from two Labour members, who have been either suspended or expelled.

Presumably the same two people mentioned above.....who have been expelled.

Paul Eisen.
Raed Salah.
Dyab Abou Jahjah

All are well known for their racist views, and Corbyn has had associations with all of them.
I'm not sure why Corbyn should be so shocked and horrified, when members of his party share the same views as his associates.
Re Jeremy Corbyn, it all boils down to this.

He's got about as much chance of being prime minister as Willie Thorne.
Re Jeremy Corbyn, it all boils down to this.

He's got about as much chance of being prime minister as Willie Thorne.

I know they aren't perfect but the polls, worryingly, suggest otherwise. Long way to go yet but the Tories had better choose well their next leader or things might not go according to plan.
Re Jeremy Corbyn, it all boils down to this.

He's got about as much chance of being prime minister as Willie Thorne.

Personally I'd love to see Thorne bounce back, and carve out a political career for himself.

He has had an amazing run of bad luck, but if he can put those issues behind him...I see no reason why he can't take on Corbyn head to head, and potentially beat him.

I feel a poll coming on....
For many many years Corbyn was 'just' a backbencher so would not have the authority to vet every speaker at every rally he ever spoke at, nor the inclination. If he is asked the question 'do you wish to align yourself with person X?' then he should be judged on his answer. Surely there is more value in holding Corbyn to account for what he says than what others have said whilst being in the same room as him.

Clearly at the bottom of the screen it says 'expelled from Labour' presumably for not representing the values of the Labour Party.

Yes he would. Someone asks you to speak at a rally, all you have to do is ask who else is speaking. I quick internet search will reveal all you need to know. As a backbencher he would have had plenty of time to do so. If he doesn't have the inclination then he has a problem.

I think it is important to point out that he was re-admitted to the Labour party under Corduroy, and only expelled for a 2nd time because Camerscum had a go. That is what is important here.
Hypocrisy is the point. Its cool to ban Jewish speakers and make Jewish students feel uncomfortable at universities. You your self are against the occupation of Palestine, which is fine there are things that I certainly don't agree with that Israel do.

I don't agree with Argentina invading an island that was populated by Europeans before Argentina even existed. What about the Turkish occupation of Cyprus. What about Zimbabwe. Or the fact that despite the majority of the people of Northern Ireland wanting to remain part of Britain your leader was happy to swan around with people who thought they could get what they want by murder not ballot box.

Just to be clear here, there is no occupation of Palestine.
Yes he would. Someone asks you to speak at a rally, all you have to do is ask who else is speaking. I quick internet search will reveal all you need to know. As a backbencher he would have had plenty of time to do so. If he doesn't have the inclination then he has a problem.

I think it is important to point out that he was re-admitted to the Labour party under Corduroy, and only expelled for a 2nd time because Camerscum had a go. That is what is important here.
I really don't think that Cameron dictates who is a member of the Labour Party - as PM I would hope that he has better things to do.
If you want to vote for a party that has never expelled a member for racism then you won't be voting.