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Doctors and nurses is a bit different since it is mainly over pay and the intention to make them work more unfavourable hours which directly affects their lives. Whether Corbyn would be willing to launch nukes doesn't really have any impact on a soldier's life.

Nobody would ever set foot in Russia because we all know they won't hesitate for a second to wipe us of the face of the planet. That threat alone protects every Russian citizen and every Russian soldier even when they are deployed in another country.

Politicians have increasingly waged war around the globe and asked our soldiers to do their dirty work in order to win votes and line their pockets with cash. If you announce that you will not use nukes under any circumstances then the next Saddam might be tempted to use gas or chemical weapons on our troops.
Nobody would ever set foot in Russia because we all know they won't hesitate for a second to wipe us of the face of the planet. That threat alone protects every Russian citizen and every Russian soldier even when they are deployed in another country.

Politicians have increasingly waged war around the globe and asked our soldiers to do their dirty work in order to win votes and line their pockets with cash. If you announce that you will not use nukes under any circumstances then the next Saddam might be tempted to use gas or chemical weapons on our troops.

And in return, Russia is equally nuked, bringing the human race onto its knees. What then? Nobody wins a nuclear war - there won't be many empires to protect when the small percentage of survivors are coughing up their vital organs and scavenging to survive by eating cockroaches.

Human beings can be incredibly clever, but the invention of a bomb so powerful that it kills everyone and everything is the damn stupidist thing we have ever done.
And in return, Russia is equally nuked, bringing the human race onto its knees. What then? Nobody wins a nuclear war - there won't be many empires to protect when the small percentage of survivors are coughing up their vital organs and scavenging to survive by eating cockroaches.

Human beings can be incredibly clever, but the invention of a bomb so powerful that it kills everyone and everything is the damn stupidist thing we have ever done.

Not if you were a Japanese POW it wasn't. Nor if you were one of the 500,000 Allied soldiers that were expected to die defeating Japan in 1945.

We have all had a very comfortable and safe life in Weston Europe for the past 70 years. We will never know what could have happened without the Bomb. I dare say we would all be speaking Russian.
Not if you were a Japanese POW it wasn't. Nor if you were one of the 500,000 Allied soldiers that were expected to die defeating Japan in 1945.

We have all had a very comfortable and safe life in Weston Europe for the past 70 years. We will never know what could have happened without the Bomb. I dare say we would all be speaking Russian.

that's Myles away
Not if you were a Japanese POW it wasn't. Nor if you were one of the 500,000 Allied soldiers that were expected to die defeating Japan in 1945.

We have all had a very comfortable and safe life in Weston Europe for the past 70 years. We will never know what could have happened without the Bomb. I dare say we would all be speaking Russian.

I'm no expert, but as I understand it Japan was on the verge of surrendering. And as for the second claim, that's pure speculation.
I'm no expert, but as I understand it Japan was on the verge of surrendering. And as for the second claim, that's pure speculation.

The nuclear weapons around now are far more powerful than the one that were dropped during the 2nd world war.
Jezza opposes shoot to kill terrorists
Jezza questions the legality of the killing of Jihadi John

This chap is stark raving mad !
Jezza opposes shoot to kill terrorists
Jezza questions the legality of the killing of Jihadi John

This chap is stark raving mad !

I would say true to his principles.

He may or may not be correct but what you see is what you get.
The man is a walking dinosaur - appointing Red Ken for defence review - f****** hilarious.
You really couldn't make this up.
The man is a dead man walking in political terms, he is on the quick slope towards the next Labour leadership election. He has some good ideas and talks some ​sense BUT talks way too much crap too. Next please.
The man is a walking dinosaur - appointing Red Ken for defence review - f****** hilarious.
You really couldn't make this up.

If the man is as obviously inadequate to everyone as you state, why do you feel the need to constantly mention it? Oh I know, because you think I want to hear it.
Then don't read it. Or maybe you can explain the reasoning behind a pacifist appointing another to a defence brief. It makes a complete mockery of the opposition which is something this country doesn't need.
Then don't read it. Or maybe you can explain the reasoning behind a pacifist appointing another to a defence brief. It makes a complete mockery of the opposition which is something this country doesn't need.

Mostly I don't, but sometimes I post a comment when I feel the need, a bit like you really.
Just a jealousy question but does JC now have a full entitlement to the much enhanced pension that goes with the "Leader of the Opposition" job. I would expect he has, and will he as a true socialist refuse it when he stands down ready for Brother Milliband to stand/lead Labour for the next GE?
The PLP is going to have to wake up to the fact that the membership has voted overwhelmingly for a shift to the left.

Yeah but the PLP want to keep their jobs. Something becoming more and more unlikely under the current leadership.
If you are seriously saying that the Labour party under this moron are in anyway challenging the current government, which is their job, then you are even more blinkered than I thought.
Believe me, I think you are totally one eyed by the way.
The PLP is going to have to wake up to the fact that the membership has voted overwhelmingly for a shift to the left.

They don't actually. They can do what they like. When Jeremy Corduroy was a backbencher he did what he wanted. Why would he expect the current backbenches not to do the same? Surely he's not going to use the whips?

Moreover, they can try to oust him if and when they feel the need and have the support, and if that doesn't work they could (note I said could) create a breakaway party.

There are more options that just laying down and blindly accepting a dead man walking.
Principles are all well and good, but are his principles going to find a way to overcome ISIS?