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What an utterly bizarre thing to say?

Not really, he just wants to be the centre of attention, as usual.

Not really.I remember saying to my sister-in-law, (not Mrs Noxious,the other one), who'd just come back from a trip to China-a year or so after Tiananmen square- that I'd be quite happy to visit the country "when it was politically correct to do so."

Not that much has changed there since,IMO.
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It is a bit off topic all this about countries not to visit as it is a general politics/ethics stuff but China, most of the Arab countries,Turkey, Israel & Russia to name a few are VERY OFF my list of places to go tourist visit because of their social and HR records.
AND my Dr Martin boots are MIBs (look them up if you don't know the difference) for which I am content to pay extra for rather than the cheaper versions; AND I believe they are better quality too.
As it happens, I know quite a few British Council employees who regularly teach in HK in the summer-especially since the crisis hit.

Nothing special about them I'm afraid.

Personally, the idea of working in or even visiting Asia has never appealed to me nor my wife.Probably because we're both proud Europeans.

Frankly,the idea that Spain is something of a "3rd World" country,or anything like it, is just "pig"* ignorant as well as insulting.


You might want to ask some of those British Council employees to give you a few lessons in English comprehension then because I said China had gone from being 3rd world to being like Spain.
I think that's more damming for Cameron, really. It'll be interesting to see the next set of results after yesterday's PMQs

Nah, the onus is on Corbyn to gather momentum and support to dislodge DC. He clearly isn't doing that so stands little chance of getting into Number 10. If a fresh leader was elected for Labour and perhaps have their lefty policies watered down to attract more in the middle, then we could be looking at a more interesting race in 2020
Nah, the onus is on Corbyn to gather momentum and support to dislodge DC. He clearly isn't doing that so stands little chance of getting into Number 10. If a fresh leader was elected for Labour and perhaps have their lefty policies watered down to attract more in the middle, then we could be looking at a more interesting race in 2020
Which would sound like a re-run of the election we had 5 months ago.

Bizzarely I tweeted about how the increasingly biased Evening Standard were taking the results of polls of tiny amounts of people and jumping to conclusions and it was favourited by........UKIP Ealing branch!
Which would sound like a re-run of the election we had 5 months ago.

Bizzarely I tweeted about how the increasingly biased Evening Standard were taking the results of polls of tiny amounts of people and jumping to conclusions and it was favourited by........UKIP Ealing branch!

A poor leader and failure to convince voters that Labour would manage financial affairs responsibly lost you that election. Are you telling me that if (a previously unknown) Blair would have been the leader in May that the Tories would have won by such a margin?

Didn't need this big leftie overhaul.
PM's questions yesterday.

Another poor/shocking performance from brother Corbyn,this guy is obscessed with tax credits which his party introduced for the waifs and strays from around the globe.His ridiculous emails where "Karen" asks such a loaded question is beyond belief.

Labour's front bench resembles a right old motley bunch,sour faced and ready to send us all back to the 70s whilst printing money solely for the needy.

Monster raving loony party.
A poor leader and failure to convince voters that Labour would manage financial affairs responsibly lost you that election. Are you telling me that if (a previously unknown) Blair would have been the leader in May that the Tories would have won by such a margin?

Didn't need this big leftie overhaul.
I'm not sure what the unknown Blair thing means but it's not your problem so I wouldn't stress it.
Ha.Personally I'm waiting for this. :smiles:


Why's that funny?

That's proof that the current approach with China is working. They are adopting more Western values the more time they spend engaging with us.

China has a long way to go - there's no individual freedom under communist rule after all - but as your hero stated a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.