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Yeah but the PLP want to keep their jobs. Something becoming more and more unlikely under the current leadership.
If you are seriously saying that the Labour party under this moron are in anyway challenging the current government, which is their job, then you are even more blinkered than I thought.
Believe me, I think you are totally one eyed by the way.

Ha! Not totally but it's true that I only have about 10% vision in my left eye (the result of being knocked down by a car on the arterial road as a ten year old).
If Jezza was PM he would have gave JJ compensation and an expensive penthouse in Mayfair.
A Terrorism expert on the Beeb this morning said that bombing in Syria is excerbating the problem, not resolving it.

Unity is what ISIS fear, a unified approach to obliterating them and wiping them off the planet rather than sitting round a tea table and sharing cake is the only way to deal with this situation. Notice they've not attacked China as yet, I doubt very much the Chinese would wait for any approval from anywhere else before stepping in with both feet!
Unity is what ISIS fear, a unified approach to obliterating them and wiping them off the planet rather than sitting round a tea table and sharing cake is the only way to deal with this situation. Notice they've not attacked China as yet, I doubt very much the Chinese would wait for any approval from anywhere else before stepping in with both feet!

So you're in favour of concerted action under the UN banner then?
Bombing will never stop the madness,every time one of them is killed there will be another 10 willing to step in.
Boots on the ground will have a high casulaty rate and even then probably won't work,even if a combined force went in,it would need to be massive in numbers,Has Russia and the west the stomach for it,I doubt it.
The problem is Russia's veto at the UN Security Council.

It seems to me it's up to Western countries to accept that Russia has a geopolitical interest in the region.

So you agree that there's no point waiting for UN approval.

I think I've already answered that question above.

If the West can't work with Russia on this issue I can't see any solution to the problem.
Unity is what ISIS fear, a unified approach to obliterating them and wiping them off the planet rather than sitting round a tea table and sharing cake is the only way to deal with this situation. Notice they've not attacked China as yet, I doubt very much the Chinese would wait for any approval from anywhere else before stepping in with both feet!

Thy haven't attacked China yet because there are not enough Muslims heading for China for them to get the locals to turn on them.

ISIS are attacking countries so that Muslims escaping their regime face hostility when they get to Europe.

The Unity ISIS fear is the unity of Muslims and Non Muslims, unifying the west against Muslims is exactly what they are after , as it underpins their distorted interpretation of the Qur'an
Thy haven't attacked China yet because there are not enough Muslims heading for China for them to get the locals to turn on them.

ISIS are attacking countries so that Muslims escaping their regime face hostility when they get to Europe.

The Unity ISIS fear is the unity of Muslims and Non Muslims, unifying the west against Muslims is exactly what they are after , as it underpins their distorted interpretation of the Qur'an

As I understand it, there has been attacks from Chinese Muslims (Uighurs) as they feel that Bejing is trying to crush their culture.
Just finished watching TW. It seems even Gorgeous George is now turning his back on Corbyn, criticizing his reaction to the killing of terrorists in Paris by armed police. He made a good point (he made a few in fairness) about Hillary Benn being the wrong choice for shadow foreign secretary from a Corbyn POV. Suggested it needed to be more of a ally like Diane Abbott.
As much as I would have loved to have seen that, I don't think even Jezer could have kept a straight face with that one.
Can see Benn making a decent interim leader quite soon though.