I suppose so. Let's hope there's a suitor waiting in the wings.
Having said that, just because it's not happened before, doesn't mean it's impossible.
Mugabe is 91 and still capable of wreaking havoc!
Surely that's counterproductive though isn't it. I can appreciate that the membership has spoken and that many see Corbyn as a breath of fresh air , policy speaking, but surely he should be reaching out to the voters, not just the left leaning side of the party. Every party must surely approach a election with the aim of winning it which confuses me when Labour have chosen someone who will only have limited appeal. It makes little sense to me.
I guess that's the million dollar question - will Corbyn attract the votes? He's definitely got a groundswell of support and that may continue to rise in the next few years, but will it translate into votes? no one knows. Will he do as well as Burnham, Cooper or Kendall would have? Probably (IMO), and at least his policy views are relatively clear.
He seems to stick to his guns, rather than float around in terms of looking for policy/voter alignment, which is refreshing/bonkers/great/stupid *delete to match with your personal values*
Also, the left leaning side of the party are clearly a 60% majority.