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Jeremy Corbyn's Labour

Just so we are clear, you think Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall, Chris Leslie, Tristram Hunt, Emma Reynolds and Jamie Reed should join the Conservatives because as they disagree with the new leader of the Labour Party they weren't really Labour anyway, that's what you're saying?

Go back to the cookery and star wars threads and up your post count there.

No, what I'm saying as that Blair/Brown/Milliband was just Tory-lite, very little difference in their policies. Can't say that about Corbyn.

I've got as much right to post on these threads as you - just because I don't quote from the Farage song sheet that's become your mantra - you can just :finger:
It always makes me smile that folk with Conservative tendencies feel the need to bang on triumphantly when changes happen in the Labour Party. It's almost as if they need to be abusive of political individuals to enrich their lives, hey ho. Those with UKIP tendencies just spout 'very funny' stuff. I don't know whether Corbyn will have a successful career as leader of the LP, and it may be that it will all change before the next GE, who can say. Best not to get too excited at this event though as we none of us have any idea what Cameron and Osborne will gift us with before that much longer. But that's for another thread I think.

Lighten up, it was tongue in cheek :winking: There hasn't been anything happening withing the Labour party worth smiling about for ages. Well, except the in fighting, the back stabbing, the lies, the..........oh wait. Never mind :smile:

And if you knew only 10% of what my life consists of you'd know it needs enriching in no way shape or form :winking: I have all I need. Physically and mentally :raspberry:
No, what I'm saying as that Blair/Brown/Milliband was just Tory-lite, very little difference in their policies. Can't say that about Corbyn.

I've got as much right to post on these threads as you - just because I don't quote from the Farage song sheet that's become your mantra - you can just :finger:

Have you been experiencing Corbyn wet dreams comrade !
It always makes me smile that folk with Conservative tendencies feel the need to bang on triumphantly when changes happen in the Labour Party. It's almost as if they need to be abusive of political individuals to enrich their lives, hey ho. Those with UKIP tendencies just spout 'very funny' stuff. I don't know whether Corbyn will have a successful career as leader of the LP, and it may be that it will all change before the next GE, who can say. Best not to get too excited at this event though as we none of us have any idea what Cameron and Osborne will gift us with before that much longer. But that's for another thread I think.

I agree RHB,

People taking the wee wee out of the downfall of Labour is in poor taste.

But my god it's fun:smile:
Lighten up, it was tongue in cheek :winking: There hasn't been anything happening withing the Labour party worth smiling about for ages. Well, except the in fighting, the back stabbing, the lies, the..........oh wait. Never mind :smile:

And if you knew only 10% of what my life consists of you'd know it needs enriching in no way shape or form :winking: I have all I need. Physically and mentally :raspberry:

Strange that you think I should lighten up, the post wasn't heavy. It was aimed at all the various posts that have appeared on this thread. You're probably right about your life enrichment, too much detail wouldn't be clever.
Strange that you think I should lighten up, the post wasn't heavy. It was aimed at all the various posts that have appeared on this thread. You're probably right about your life enrichment, too much detail wouldn't be clever.

From 2 Edd's to Jezza,its spectacular stuff !

I feel your pain but don't take it to heart,many of us are giggling because of the utter chaos,the end is near for the LP as we all know it.
I'll look back at the above tomorrow but after glossing over it quickly, the main point I picked up on was that the membership had spoken and bollocks to anyone in the party who disagrees with that ( as I said, glossing over it quickly, I'm knackered and should really be in bed) Correct me if I'm wrong, but now the party has spoken, shouldn't the message now be addressed to the general public, ie, the voter in the street, rather than, what would seem, even more in-house fighting and dissent. It does sound a little East Germany to me, 'speak against me then you are against me'

Put me right by all means but wait for a reply tomorrow, I'm beat.
The membership is the party. I'm not saying bollocks to anyone who campaigned for people other than Corbyn but I am saying bollocks to anyone who has quit on the day of the result or wants to keep griping about the result. With a 60% backing of first choice votes (so many more may have backed him a 2nd choice) the democratic process has given a clear winner with a clear mandate. Burnham and Cooper for example were praised in the acceptance speech and as people who have invested so much of their lives to the party I expect them to continue doing that. If they don't want to then move over so we can get on with moulding the policies the Party are moving forward with. There are elections on the horizon and we need to flesh out policies and get on with it.
From 2 Edd's to Jezza,its spectacular stuff !

I feel your pain but don't take it to heart,many of us are giggling because of the utter chaos,the end is near for the LP as we all know it.
Let's hope so. The LP as we know it failed to win the last 2 GE's so change is needed and clearly has happened.
Wins 60% of the Labour vote which means absolutely diddly squat in the great scheme of things as he and everyone else knows his, and now presumably the parties, policies make him and the them un electable at the next GE :happy:

Socialism as an electable political ideal is dead and buried and has been for two decades or more. Labour knew it 20 years ago which is why the face of British politics has changed so much and why Labour shifted so much to the right. Bliar knew back then that Labour had to change in order to get elected. Fortunately for the Conservatives they seem to have forgotten that.

The electorate of this country remember only too well the disastrous days when the unions held power over our political system and they won't allow them that power back by voting Corbyn into No10.

The electorate of this country remember only two well the disastrous days of nationalized industries and the wanton waste and mismanagement that came with it.

The UK has changed drastically since the days of Foot and Kinnock and I for one am as pleased as punch that Tom & Jerry (see the irony in that?) are now at the helm of the Labour party. It means it's un electable as a serious political party while they are.............Rejoice my friends, rejoice :happy::clap::happy:
Time will tell......
Strange that you think I should lighten up, the post wasn't heavy. It was aimed at all the various posts that have appeared on this thread. You're probably right about your life enrichment, too much detail wouldn't be clever.
Their amusement at the leadership result is based on the fact that they don't understand that people could approach politics with positivity. I like to take the **** as much as the next person but they clearly don't understand that this isn't the time. The party has a leader backed enthusiastically by the membership and that enthusiasm will ignite the same in other people. Smug comments if and when Labour lose something they need to win but right now we have done something positive and if someone finds that amusing it just highlights a lack of understanding of the situation.
Their amusement at the leadership result is based on the fact that they don't understand that people could approach politics with positivity. I like to take the **** as much as the next person but they clearly don't understand that this isn't the time. The party has a leader backed enthusiastically by the membership and that enthusiasm will ignite the same in other people. Smug comments if and when Labour lose something they need to win but right now we have done something positive and if someone finds that amusing it just highlights a lack of understanding of the situation.

Corbyn was nominated by Labour grandees in their words to promote debate which many have now admitted they were wrong in doing so.

Jezza will guarantee Labour are out of office for the next 10 years at least,the party is one big mess without any credible policies driven by a madcap leader.
Their amusement at the leadership result is based on the fact that they don't understand that people could approach politics with positivity. I like to take the **** as much as the next person but they clearly don't understand that this isn't the time. The party has a leader backed enthusiastically by the membership and that enthusiasm will ignite the same in other people. Smug comments if and when Labour lose something they need to win but right now we have done something positive and if someone finds that amusing it just highlights a lack of understanding of the situation.

For those who follow politics like their favourite football team, from a ****-taking point of view, it's the reaction you'd get from Liverpool fans if Manchester United appointed an old-school dinosaur like George Graham or from Spurs fans if Arsenal brought in Ron Atkinson. It might have been genuine and even heart-felt, but it seems to most outsiders like a massive own goal. Time will tell and if it goes the other way, the red-scarf-waving supporters of Labour will celebrate like they never have before.

For me, it might have been an own goal for Party electability (again, time will tell) but, more interestingly, for true left-wingers who genuinely want to see CHANGE, it might actually do more for the movement than winning an election fought on centrist policies anyway. Just as the Tories reacted to a groundswell of support for UKIP and other right-wing parties, I can only see them reacting to messaging from a new-New-Labour Party. Even if the new Party doesn't gain power, it might still have a significant effect on policies.

This could actually turn out to be a pretty historic event.
Their amusement at the leadership result is based on the fact that they don't understand that people could approach politics with positivity. I like to take the **** as much as the next person but they clearly don't understand that this isn't the time. The party has a leader backed enthusiastically by the membership and that enthusiasm will ignite the same in other people. Smug comments if and when Labour lose something they need to win but right now we have done something positive and if someone finds that amusing it just highlights a lack of understanding of the situation.

Yes it is the time, there is never a wrong time. JC was voted for by 60% of people that don't and won't represent the majority of the people of the UK which is why they'll never be elected while he's at the helm and his policies are driving the party.

In my opinion your wrong about it igniting the same passion for his policies in other people for the reasons I outlined in an earlier post.

And you seem to have missed the point in my amusement. I find it funny because the likes of you,TUIB and 60% of the people that voted for JC are stuck in some misguided socialist time warp and still think, even after all these years since Kinnock and Foot, that Socialism still works. Look around. It clearly doesn't. My amusement is also based on the fact they haven't just shot themselves in the foot they've blown their own leg off at the knee :hilarious:
Yes it is the time, there is never a wrong time. JC was voted for by 60% of people that don't and won't represent the majority of the people of the UK which is why they'll never be elected while he's at the helm and his policies are driving the party.

In my opinion your wrong about it igniting the same passion for his policies in other people for the reasons I outlined in an earlier post.

And you seem to have missed the point in my amusement. I find it funny because the likes of you,TUIB and 60% of the people that voted for JC are stuck in some misguided socialist time warp and still think, even after all these years since Kinnock and Foot, that Socialism still works. Look around. It clearly doesn't. My amusement is also based on the fact they haven't just shot themselves in the foot they've blown their own leg off at the knee :hilarious:
The language being used by those against (as above) is often graphically negative. And the smugness is ill placed. The person elected has been elected on a groundswell of enthusiasm and if that is a bad thing then.....it's just not a bad thing.
SBH's post is more measured but with the same conclusion and the conclusion is conjecture. Your guess is as good as mine as to how this translates to the wider public, time will tell. But I recognise that there are millions who don't vote because they can't see a difference between the parties and because they don't feel they are represented - engage with those people and that could make the difference.
Time will tell but smugness today may turn out to be an inappropriate expression.
The language being used by those against (as above) is often graphically negative. And the smugness is ill placed. The person elected has been elected on a groundswell of enthusiasm and if that is a bad thing then.....it's just not a bad thing.
SBH's post is more measured but with the same conclusion and the conclusion is conjecture. Your guess is as good as mine as to how this translates to the wider public, time will tell. But I recognise that there are millions who don't vote because they can't see a difference between the parties and because they don't feel they are represented - engage with those people and that could make the difference.
Time will tell but smugness today may turn out to be an inappropriate expression.

66 year old bloke with daft policies,Labour hierarchy decapitated.

You don't get it ***,do you.
66 year old bloke with daft policies,Labour hierarchy decapitated.

You don't get it ***,do you.
I completely get that you have an unquenchable urge to write something on everything. Any subject no matter if you have a genuine interest or any understanding or anything of worth to say. You always have to write. Guesses as facts. Made up or half remembered statistics as facts. Conspiracy theories as facts.

As I said before, the result is just spam.

You weren't going to vote Labour if any of the other candidates got in. You are not the target audience. I shouldn't worry about the outcome if I was you, it affects you in no way shape or form.
No, what I'm saying as that Blair/Brown/Milliband was just Tory-lite, very little difference in their policies. Can't say that about Corbyn.

I've got as much right to post on these threads as you - just because I don't quote from the Farage song sheet that's become your mantra - you can just :finger:

Perhaps if you had said that in the first place you wouldn't have got the reply you did. As for quoting Farage, I tore up my membership some three months ago, as I stated on here due to the treatment of Suzanne Evans and because of the direction UKIP appeared to be taking (contrary to popular opinion I'm not into dictatorships) so you better find a different stick to beat me with.
Perhaps if you had said that in the first place you wouldn't have got the reply you did. As for quoting Farage, I tore up my membership some three months ago, as I stated on here due to the treatment of Suzanne Evans and because of the direction UKIP appeared to be taking (contrary to popular opinion I'm not into dictatorships) so you better find a different stick to beat me with.

Ok fair enough.

TBH even that it's great that JC won the leadership, even I think some of his policies need watering down a bit before he gets my vote.
I completely get that you have an unquenchable urge to write something on everything. Any subject no matter if you have a genuine interest or any understanding or anything of worth to say. You always have to write. Guesses as facts. Made up or half remembered statistics as facts. Conspiracy theories as facts.

As I said before, the result is just spam.

You weren't going to vote Labour if any of the other candidates got in. You are not the target audience. I shouldn't worry about the outcome if I was you, it affects you in no way shape or form.[/QUOTE

The last 12 threads in chit chat,I haven't wrote one single word !

You are wrong yet again !

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