Another Surrey Shrimper
Life President
A BuzzFeed journalist succeeded in registering his cat to vote in the election earlier. The whole thing just gets more farcical every day. And people wonder why they got battered at the general election. Ed Miliband's lasting legacy to Labour will be changing the membership rules so that anyone can pay £3 and vote for the leader. :clap:
If you sign up and pay then you are registered at that point and vetted afterwards.
The membership drive and vote registration drive has been very successful in terms of getting more people involved in the party. There are obviously people who aren't party supporters signing up with ulterior motives but if you look at the size of the memberships of Greens, SWP and even the Tories it won't have much impact. JC was way ahead with the existing membership anyway and if Labour can take members off the Greens, SWP and reclaim previous members than that is a big positive. Growing party membership = good.