I am a member of the Labour Party. I rallied against it for years because it never really stood for what I wanted it to be. But, after the last election I concluded that the only credible option to the Tories were Labour. In my previous life on the Trade Union circuit, I got to know John McDonnell personally, and I've had dealings with Jeremy Corbyn. I was delighted when Corbyn got elected as leader. Now, at long last, we have someone with the right politics and principles to properly oppose the Tories.
And since then, well, its been a disaster.
I question the motives of those like Hilary Benn, who sought to undermine the leader of the Opposition at the very moment an Opposition was leader. I'd further question why supposed smart politicians tried to organise a coup when they knew Corbyn has the support of a vast majority of the Party Membership. That was clear when they ran a "no one" in opposition. That action alone was akin to stand in front of the electorate with your trousers round you ankles. And then its not helped when you see local party names saying they can't support him via social media. Just how that will go down when they go door knocking at election time is anyone's guess.
Corbyn has a constant fight with the media. Ok, we knew that would happen. They did much the same to Michael Foot. If you ask those who oppose Corbyn to list the things he stands for what they disagree with they struggle with an answer.
But, then, Corbyn doesn't do himself any favours. There appears to be very little desire to talk about matters at hand, and he kind of bumbles his way around interviews and doesn't inspire me much, let alone those he needs to convince. And I am not sure he has any concept of leadership skills. It was crazy not to allow a free vote on Article 50, and by not doing so, he's lost a couple more shadow cabinet members. I am not sure how many are left to fill those spaces.
And in the media storm that surrounds him, the Tories pretty get away with whatever they want. Even today, the news centred on Corbyn at PMQs rather than the cluster**** that is the White Paper on Brexit.
The difficulty is that no sensible debate about leadership can take place in the current, toxic, environment. And as such, we can all "look forward" to another dose of Tory mismanagement.
If Labour want to be the next Government, it wont be with Corbyn as leader. There. I said it. Now I feel dirty. But I needed to get it off my chest.