Benfleet A1
Hector Of The House🦐
He certainly scrubs up well and looked almost statesmen like at Whitehall today. He should really wear decent suits more often.
IMO one thing the referendum showed is that the country is pretty evenly split between left and right minded people right now, but for as long as Labour have a leader who most see as harking back to the days of the 'loony left' then I think the Tories will keep edging it. The next GE, whenever that might be, will be a golden opportunity for Labour to punish the Tories and return to power, but to do that they must tap into the people who only ever voted for Labour under Blair, and I just don't see that happening with JC at the helm.To be honest if people continue to vote the Tories into power after the damage they have done to this country in the last 6 years then they must be stark raving mad. At least Corbyn offers an alternative (unlike the other Labour candidates did), and i hope that when people are looking at the alternative and have the choice between a labour government who will re-invest in the NHS, schools and end austerity and a UKIP government who will spout hate and help the elite get richer they will make the right choice.
Thought JC made some astute comments on the Marr show this am.Linking Trump's win with Tory policies over immigration.
for some strange reason which I don't understand, Cameron decided to make Parliament fixed term (he did a lot of things that didn't make sense to me) so if May wants a new election there needs to be a vote of no confidence in the government which would make her CV look a bit odd - becomes PM without any of the public or even her party voting her in as PM, and then ruling over a government that ended in a vote of no confidence.Please call another GE, Theresa!
for some strange reason which I don't understand, Cameron decided to make Parliament fixed term (he did a lot of things that didn't make sense to me) so if May wants a new election there needs to be a vote of no confidence in the government which would make her CV look a bit odd - becomes PM without any of the public or even her party voting her in as PM, and then ruling over a government that ended in a vote of no confidence.
Personally I'd think it fairer for the Tories to get nearer to article 50 and to be judged on their abilities to do that (I have doubts in their abilities) in a 'you got us into this mess, at least show you have no idea how to get us out of it' kinda way. But if after 5 years of a coalition they feel their second stab at it doesn't have enough support to see it through then bring it on. Tory governments - a shared one and a short one doesn't sound that good though does it!
for some strange reason which I don't understand, Cameron decided to make Parliament fixed term (he did a lot of things that didn't make sense to me) so if May wants a new election there needs to be a vote of no confidence in the government which would make her CV look a bit odd - becomes PM without any of the public or even her party voting her in as PM, and then ruling over a government that ended in a vote of no confidence.
Personally I'd think it fairer for the Tories to get nearer to article 50 and to be judged on their abilities to do that (I have doubts in their abilities) in a 'you got us into this mess, at least show you have no idea how to get us out of it' kinda way. But if after 5 years of a coalition they feel their second stab at it doesn't have enough support to see it through then bring it on. Tory governments - a shared one and a short one doesn't sound that good though does it!
the party members didn't have a chance to vote for her as party leader and the public didn't vote for her as PM so....I already was being fair!Tbf Mrs May did win the Tory leadership election albeit by default
can you post the rest up? Murdoch press only allow you to read a bit of their anti-Corbyn stories so its impossible to see where they go unless you are willing to give him money - which I'd rather not.He was referring to the tribute at the Tower of London - made comments to that friend of democracy The Morning Star back in 2013.
Tbf Mrs May did win the Tory leadership election albeit by default.She certainly finished top of the first ballot by a significant margin.
Gordon Brown was also an unelected PM ,as I'm sure you'll remember.And look what happened to him.
Tbf Mrs May did win the Tory leadership election albeit by default.She certainly finished top of the first ballot by a significant margin.
Gordon Brown was also an unelected PM ,as I'm sure you'll remember.And look what happened to him.
for some strange reason which I don't understand, Cameron decided to make Parliament fixed term (he did a lot of things that didn't make sense to me) so if May wants a new election there needs to be a vote of no confidence in the government which would make her CV look a bit odd - becomes PM without any of the public or even her party voting her in as PM, and then ruling over a government that ended in a vote of no confidence.
Personally I'd think it fairer for the Tories to get nearer to article 50 and to be judged on their abilities to do that (I have doubts in their abilities) in a 'you got us into this mess, at least show you have no idea how to get us out of it' kinda way. But if after 5 years of a coalition they feel their second stab at it doesn't have enough support to see it through then bring it on. Tory governments - a shared one and a short one doesn't sound that good though does it!
I guess so but it would have to go through the Commons and Lords and back to the Commons. Doubt that it is really easy to reverse or they'd be no point in passing that legislation in the first place (if there was any point in it - maybe they had run out of ideas and were just filling time).Can't she just get Parliament to reverse their decision, and then call an election?
Who would you like to see take over from JC in the event that he loses the next GE and stands down?Having said that, a lot of Labour MP's are clearly waiting in the wings for JC to lose the next election,whether that's in 2020 or before.
you see him as some kind of Bogie Man then....Snot in the event ,when he loses the next election