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I never said we can't sign anyone.

We still have 14 hours to go, unlikely to get a WOW signing but lets hope for a POW signing instead.

WOW is Ranger coming back? :winking:

I'm sure Powell is doing his up most to get players in .Unlike Brown and his irons in fires Or spent matches more like
We have DEFINITELY signed the lad from Spurs on loan , because it says so in the Daily Mail ....................
I wonder what kind of mess Ranger is already? Can’t see whatever payoff he got will last him long,

Surely he must have regrets?

I was one of his supporters, but even I came to the conclusion from things I heard that he can never shake of his gangsta lifestyle, he loves it. He also isn't very intelligent, which doesn't help. I think he's more likely to end up in prison again, than knuckle down with his football career.
Ron's not skint. Can't be a fraud of a developer if he owns FF and RH, that makes him one of the most successful ever in this town.

There you go that's a couple of things you didn't know.

Wait, Ron's actually developed FF behind those hoardings without telling us?
Billericay are set to sign a Millwall player today that played 38 games for Millwall last season:omg: