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Official Match Thread HMRC v Southend United Winding Up Order

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so how many will be at the Oldham game, if people are not buying season tickets due to RM then will the be buying match day tickets?
Not a chance will I be stepping into Roots Hall until this mess is sorted and that rat is gone. Whilst it is a catch-22; fewer feet in the door = less money = staff will likely go unpaid, I think the only way to protest is with our feet and boycotting the games. I will still go to away games (provided we still have a club in the NL come August) but the thought of lining that cu*ts pocket whilst he drags us through the mud makes me sick. And although there is a part of me that feels guilty, I doubt the staff would get paid with matchday income anyway.

I don't think Ron cares about the people protesting outside his house (I applaud all that do though, of course). I think in some sick twisted way he likely enjoys it. I think the only and best way is to hurt him where it really hurts, his pockets. But enough is enough now. I will be staying away for the foreseeable. As much as it hurts to say that, and having been a season ticket holder for several years, I simply must put my morals and values above it.
Not a chance will I be stepping into Roots Hall until this mess is sorted and that rat is gone. Whilst it is a catch-22; fewer feet in the door = less money = staff will likely go unpaid, I think the only way to protest is with our feet and boycotting the games. I will still go to away games (provided we still have a club in the NL come August) but the thought of lining that cu*ts pocket whilst he drags us through the mud makes me sick. And although there is a part of me that feels guilty, I doubt the staff would get paid with matchday income anyway.

I don't think Ron cares about the people protesting outside his house (I applaud all that do though, of course). I think in some sick twisted way he likely enjoys it. I think the only and best way is to hurt him where it really hurts, his pockets. But enough is enough now. I will be staying away for the foreseeable. As much as it hurts to say that, and having been a season ticket holder for several years, I simply must put my morales and values above it.

Me and my 3 mates who all go have said the same.

As soon as new ownership is in place and Ron has gone. I'll be in the queue to buy my season card.
But not motivated enough to do so by now. He's only motivated to do so on his terms, not what's best for the club.

However, if he really mentioned Kimura then that's a step in the right direction as it at least means he's finally acknowledged their existence, and that there isn't anyone else.
What is it that Ron is holding out for?.
If we are to survive this whole saga. The repair job to our reputation is going to be a real struggle. Sponsorship suppliers players and staff. Absolutely ridiculous, I'm not financially connected and I hate it
But not motivated enough to do so by now. He's only motivated to do so on his terms, not what's best for the club.

However, if he really mentioned Kimura then that's a step in the right direction as it at least means he's finally acknowledged their existence, and that there isn't anyone else.

Or he could be trying to get out of court alive and is saying things to try and calm hostilities.
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