Theresa May has said she can't guarantee security cooperation with the EU without a trade deal.
Has she forgotten about the terrorist attack outside of Parliament already?
Is she genuinely threatening to withhold information that will save lives?
In case there was any doubt that her words were misrepresented (my initial thought and hope) Amber Rudd then backed up this position saying 'we would take our (security) information with us'.
This is what we have representing us.
Oh come on ***. Surely you're not that nieve that you can't see this for what it is are you? It's political posturing and saber rattling. Nothing more. Do you honestly think any democratically elected government in power would withhold critical international security information from another country because it didn't get it all its own way in a trade deal?
There are going to be many comments like this from both sides in the coming months. As with all divorce settlements and negotiations, statements are made that both sides know have absolutely no possibility of actually happening but they are made none the less.
From day one die-hard europhiles in Brussels have made numerous threats about what will happen to the UK both pre and post triggering day yesterday. None of which have come to fruition. It's politics. Treat it as such.