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Game of Thrones

Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that Oberyn's sister/lover may get some revenge on the Lannisters now. I can see Jaime and Tyrion surviving...Tywin, Cersei however.....
They're good friends really...

Forgot to say - good to see Missandei in the nip. More of that please.

WHSG alumni.

There better be a decent reason for killing Oberyn off, because he was the standout character from this season. I'm still sulking TBH.
WHSG alumni.

There better be a decent reason for killing Oberyn off, because he was the standout character from this season. I'm still sulking TBH.

Oh there's three reasons for killing him off. One, Prince Doran comes to the fore, who is an interesting character. Two, we see the Sand Snakes, who I can't wait to see, and three, well, spoiler alert
the Mountain dies anyway thanks to a poisoned tip
Oh there's three reasons for killing him off. One, Prince Doran comes to the fore, who is an interesting character. Two, we see the Sand Snakes, who I can't wait to see, and three, well, spoiler alert
the Mountain dies anyway thanks to a poisoned tip

Oh there's three reasons for killing him off. One, Prince Doran comes to the fore, who is an interesting character. Two, we see the Sand Snakes, who I can't wait to see, and three, well, spoiler alert
the Mountain dies anyway thanks to a poisoned tip

Napster knows something you don't.

Unless you've read the books.
I did put a tag in. The other two aren't really spoilers. :smile:

Well I've never heard of Prince Doran or the Sand Snakes.

Anyway, this alternative ending is much better...

Good episode even if it was wall-centric, very reminiscent of Lord Of The Rings' Helms Deep.
It was alright, the tracking shot was good (showing that you don't need **** loads of CGI to make a good scene). the stuff in the castle was good and the bits with the scythe and giants were cool, but i feel the whole thing lacks an overall sense of scale and size. Felt like quite a lot of standing around and gassing as well!

Just realised the significance of who killed Ygrette which was a good touch.