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Game of Thrones

"And Jon Snow fulfilled his own promise by surviving the most emo breakup in history, forcing his aggrieved girlfriend to play a literal cupid ripped from the punny title of a Fall Out Boy song."
Sombre ending, though nothing could top last week.

Farewell GOT for another year. It's been a blast.
I actually thought that in some ways this episode was better than the Wedding. Yes the Wedding scene was one of the best shot and produced moments in TV ever, but this episode suddenly showed that people now had an ambition, and several things were tied together. Fantastic episode of TV, even if Branflake continues to be well annoying.

I actually thought that in some ways this episode was better than the Wedding. Yes the Wedding scene was one of the best shot and produced moments in TV ever, but this episode suddenly showed that people now had an ambition, and several things were tied together. Fantastic episode of TV, even if Branflake continues to be well annoying.

Bran does continue to be annoying, but at least we're getting a better idea of what he's trying to achieve. And, as you say, we're getting more of that with all the characters. This set up things very nicely for Season Four.

Best part of the episode was surely the look on Hodor's face when Sam recognised him :smile:
Bran does continue to be annoying, but at least we're getting a better idea of what he's trying to achieve. And, as you say, we're getting more of that with all the characters. This set up things very nicely for Season Four.

Best part of the episode was surely the look on Hodor's face when Sam recognised him :smile:

Also when Hodor heard his echo. So much love for Hodor, my wife and I communicate by just saying 'Hodor' when we watch GoT.

We also do a dance to the intro music and last night I added a song which went:

"EV-ERY ONE ISSS DEAD der der der derr derrr der der derr derr..."

Yes I need to get out more.
Also when Hodor heard his echo. So much love for Hodor, my wife and I communicate by just saying 'Hodor' when we watch GoT.

We also do a dance to the intro music and last night I added a song which went:

"EV-ERY ONE ISSS DEAD der der der derr derrr der der derr derr..."

Yes I need to get out more.

My wife has never got in to it and while I'm watching it does kitchen chores and suchlike. So that's another bad thing about GOT being gone for another nine months - Monday night is washing up night again for me...
My wife has never got in to it and while I'm watching it does kitchen chores and suchlike. So that's another bad thing about GOT being gone for another nine months - Monday night is washing up night again for me...

I'm sure that's grounds for divorce :nope:. Mrs C loves it as well, and even waits to tell me about the minutiae of her life during the breaks - which is a pleasant change. :smile:
I'm sure that's grounds for divorce :nope:. Mrs C loves it as well, and even waits to tell me about the minutiae of her life during the breaks - which is a pleasant change. :smile:

Yeah my missus loves it - and has not read the books. Just bought the 1st and 2nd series on blu-ray. :winking:
My plan is to not watch any of them and take them on the plane to Florida when I go end of May.

Can I hold out that long....