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Game of Thrones

Is anyone getting up at 2am to watch the simulcast at 2am?

If so, you're a loony. :smile:
I thought it was an excellent return. Best opening episode of any series I've seen for a while.

Really liked the bit where Granny Tyrell saw Brienne for the first time. Most people mock her but she thought her splendid. Love that old dame, excellent character.
Been a while since Ive read the books now so cant completely remember the chronology and events so now I dont sit there so much thinking "that didnt happen in the book".

What I love about the books and story is the fact no one is safe, anyone can be killed off, the good guys are sometimes bad and the bad guys often good. Such great characters.

The story does lose its way a bit later in the books and he seems to have added more characters for no reason, but I can forgive that for all the good that is there.

There have already been two 'what the?..'. moments in the TV series, and there are more to come as the story progresses, so don't take anything for granted!
As someone who has read the books, trust me there are more 'what the' moments to come. As for last nights episode, it was like the characters had never been away.
I understand that if any more words come pouring out your **** mouth. I'm gonna have to eat every ****ing chicken in this room.