Tangled up in Blue
Certified Senior Citizen⭐🦐
Saw Jack Clayton's 1959 Room at the Top again last night.
Binge watched Normal People on BBC Iplayer .... sentimental but v good ..
we've got a thread for this (which has been moved because apparently it's related to COVID-19?!), here:And was it any good, recommend seeing or not.
CC, let me introduce your to Fargo, The Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, Pan's Labyrinth.... Works of art....
Saw Tony Richardson's wonderful A Taste of Honey again last night.
I watched Hotel Mumbai recently
Season 7 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine is currently on E4Watched a couple of films recently;
- Sonic. It was OK. The comedy moments were fairly laboured, and Jim Carey’s better days are behind him. It’s an easy watch though and kids will enjoy it.
- Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. Being a Tarantino fan, I was fairly excited for this film. Who would have thought that a Tarantino film starring Leonardo Di Caprio, Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie, set in the late 60’s and mainly centred around the infamous Manson Family, could be so hit-and-miss.
There’s some great moments & some that just feel like filler for the sake of it. It’s a long film, so be prepared for a drawnout - and at times, tedious - storyline, but the payoff is good.
- Blue Story. Obviously my interest was piqued due to the negative publicity it received. Thought it was ok, but a poundshop version of Kidulthood.
TV wise, I’ve recently finished all 6 seasons of Brooklyn 99. Love that show. Just started Ozark, which is fairly promising.
Season 7 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine is currently on E4
And the sheer heroism of the hotel staff.Cracking film that. Shocking levels of violence, along with tension and suspense that is palpable. I can’t bare to think how frightening that must have been in real life.
I like all John carpenter films V ( although this is not one of my favourites), I could never understand why he was never given a bigger budget.I watched the 1988 john Carpenter film 'They Live' the lead actor was atrocious but what a great story line.