Ricky Otto
The new Magnificent seven- quite enjoyable
Hunt For The Wilderpeople - Kiwi film where a troubled boy and his foster father go on the run in rural New Zealand. Very funny, highly recommended. 9/10
Watched this on your recommendation and you and your warped views are now dead to me,-5/10
Your soul seemed to have escaped out of your arse. :nope:
What soul?
if only your film reviews were as good as your comebacks.
He Knows You're Alone
1980 slasher/woman in peril film influenced heavily by Halloween and briefly featuring a young Tom Hanks in his first film role. Enjoyable enough, nice Staten Island locations, disappointing lack of gore. Still, made me long for the days when major studios produced films like this - it looks and feels like a current indie film. 7/10
I agree... sometimes! BWP is a good example of a horror with no gore that's still incredibly chilling, but when I watch an '80s slasher I don't expect the camera to cut away from every killing. I want blood!I think horror films suffer sometimes by the overwhelming amount of blood & gore. A good psychological horror in what you don't see (Blair Witch for example) is far more chilling than buckets of sauce splashed about.