Interpol Shrimper
Posts 85 and 172 on this thread for starters. May I suggest that you have not wanted to notice any , then
Thanks for your formal complaints.
I will ensure it is discussed in the private moderators/owners forum.
Posts 85 and 172 on this thread for starters. May I suggest that you have not wanted to notice any , then
Clearly people are going to beat Ron Martin with one stick or other. In this thread we've got people complaining that Ron Martin has spent too much to conclude deals for players that Tilly wanted and others complaining that Ron Martin hasn't done what was necessary to conclude other deals that Tilly wanted. In some cases it's the same people arguing both.
Thanks for your formal complaints.
I will ensure it is discussed in the private moderators/owners forum.
Yeah but tbh, even still it's nothing to get excited about? We're all blokes here (incl. OBL :)) who have more than likely done/seen worse? Blimey, the way me and my mates talk to each other would be seen as all out row.
I could understand it if Cricks or KS were actually inciting violence, but they're not. Topic's like this are bound to get heated, but i'd have expected grown men to be able to cope with it.
Yeah but tbh, even still it's nothing to get excited about? We're all blokes here (incl. OBL :)) who have more than likely done/seen worse? Blimey, the way me and my mates talk to each other would be seen as all out row.
I could understand it if Cricks or KS were actually inciting violence, but they're not. Topic's like this are bound to get heated, but i'd have expected grown men to be able to cope with it.
Ooh that should take long ;)
Note: the smily face is there as to not cause offence :)
This thread is funny.
This thread is funny.
The underlying point that was being made by the original poster (and which was subsequently buried in layers of obfuscation) is that the majority of aggression and abuse has gone from the anti-Ron faction towards those perceived to be in any way off message. And what can't now be produced in evidence (but the Mods will have a fair idea about) is the number of posts deleted because of abuse. The vast majority, if not all, posts deleted for abuse have come from the anti-Ronites.
If you use the same definition of "funny" as Jim Davidson...
Neither side are absolved, and if anything, the Pro-Ron Mob have been more condescending and patronising,
Who are the 'Pro-Ron' mob?
Who are the 'Pro-Ron' mob?
I'm refering to the glaringly obvious 'Pro-Ron' mob in that thread I dug up. If you glance at it, you won't miss them ;)
I'd personally like everyone to take a breather, although I'm not about to lock the thread, lest anyone be concerned about that. Not yet, anyway...
Well it was hardly a convincing arguement that the guy was making and he changed his mind a couple of pages in. Seemed a backlash to the home game against Scunthorpe being called off at the last moment.
Regardless of what it was over, whether it was a convincing arguement or not, my point is a very valid one in response to what ACU was saying. He was accusing the Anti-Ron Rebels of the usual agression/abuse etc. And i've shown, with proof, that not only is it a two way street, but if anything the condecending and patronising is more evident from the Pro-Ron Brigade.
Now if I was Ace Ventura, I might now say;
"Ooh, ooh, can ya feel it, huh? huh? can ya?". :)