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COSU Statement - Friday 7th June

Can someone explain the criticism the council are getting on here?

If the Those words are banned has flagged problems then they are right to make sure the council are protected (in fact it is the duty of the officials to do so)

As I have said before, I have supported the club for a long time and desperately want this deal to go through but it can't be at the expense of taxpayers.

Sorry if this is unpopular 😕
The blame game dilutes the impact of any protest- it really is simple hold everyone’s feet to the fire- we haven’t got time to debate who is most at fault but all are at fault to some degree. If all we do is go Benfleet Road all we are doing is minimising the impact- it’s the basics

Remember Cox was say a week or two ago there were no major issues, the deal he (SCC) agreed was a good one and if he was in charge it would go through!!!!!

They are all accountable it’s not that difficult
Reading between the lines, there are two keys points to these statements:

1) The council don’t think this will be resolved anytime soon, and certainly not in the timeframe that JR wants.

2) For the consortium to hang around (keep paying bills), they want a legally binding agreement with Ron/Jack that whatever they put in now, without owning the club, will be paid back in due course. And without that guarantee, they’re off.

That’s about the long and short of it.
This really isn't good. Well done COSU but this also makes it very clear that when the **** hits the fan, no anger will come their way. They have gone above and beyond.

Whilst many will want protests over the next week, my own view is that we are now merely spectators and there is absolutely nothing we can do to influence proceedings at this stage... at least not in a good way.

We can of course **** the Martin's off so much that they just sit back and let it go. After all, they still own RH and FF. And if anyone thinks the council are going to let RH fall into a state of disrepair so that it becomes a massive eyesore on one of the main routes into the city, or block RM's attempts to develop it by reserving it for a phoenix club that may or may not ever be in a position to play in it, then think again.

That's not saying anyone wants it to fail; I genuinely do think that all parties want this to go through at this particular time. But the Martin's have a huge if delayed financial safety net and the council won't have to worry about the issues thrown up by the DD and can probably legitimately shrug their shoulders and say they did their best.

Which leaves us with COSU and they have now made it clear where they stand.

So my thoughts are that - as galling as it may be - we actually need the Martin's to do what is necessary to keep the deal alive if we want to have a football club to support next season. Protesting outside the house isn't going to educate them or tell them anything they are unaware of; they already know how unpopular they are.

General protest and raising media awareness may be the way to go, although with the Euros and the election to compete with I don't fancy our chances much.
It goes without saying that we all - and by that I mean the fans and COSU - want to see everything fall in to place and see the deal done. However, with the understandable (?) constraints and requirements of the council and the ongoing gameplaying of the Martins I sadly fear the worst.

What I would like to see though, should COSU's hands be forced and they withdraw, is that they go after the Martin family and drag those shysters through the courts to reclaim the vast sums of money they've paid in good faith and tie 'em up in such legal knots that their virtual, debt-ridden 'empire' crashes about them so that they could never achieve their decades old dream. It just beggars belief that they've been allowed to get away with such deceit for so many years and there should be a reckoning.

Bitter ? Just a tad.....
Sounds as if the Martins can give decent assurance on indemnifying COSU against ongoing costs then this moves forward and if not we're back hoping Ron can pull a rabbit out of the hat at the WUP. How does a new agreement between COSU and Council help when it will be months before its formally ratified, signed off, contracts exchanged ? Seems all parties thought there was an agreement before which has proved to be not worth the handshake that went with it. I can't see how any words or agreements cobbled together between the Martins and the Council alone in the next week will be cast iron enough for COSU to keep funding the club.
So my thoughts, winding up order will stall again
COSU have been clever in the wording with a basic sort it out, we want the club and will wait if some of the criteria is met.
RM gets another lifeline, council can take their time as you would expect , judge gets early lunch as gives everyone another 4-6 weeks
The only loser the fans who wait again as the rack is tightened again
I can't see how any words or agreements cobbled together between the Martins and the Council alone in the next week will be cast iron enough for COSU to keep funding the club.

They won’t be, hence COSU’s third option, which is Ron/Jack personally guarantee the repayment of the current/ongoing monies being poured into the club by COSU.

That is something that could be wrapped up by this time next week & would provide the confidence for the consortium to release the season tickets, clear the WUP, pacify the creditors & lift the embargo.

Ron/Jack have the power to do this today, tbh. Will they? Let’s see.
They won’t be, hence COSU’s third option, which is Ron/Jack personally guarantee the repayment of the current/ongoing monies being poured into the club by COSU.

That is something that could be wrapped up by this time next week & would provide the confidence for the consortium to release the season tickets, clear the WUP, pacify the creditors & lift the embargo.

Ron/Jack have the power to do this today, tbh. Will they? Let’s see.
that is such a clear and obvious thing to do, but if part of the stalling is over the Martins paying £20 mill out of the profits back to refurb Roots Hall, will they want to pay out even further monies on top of that?

I very much doubt it
Just wait and see what happens, as soon as the club is dead, the council will continue to deal with Ron and try and build HIS ****ing legacy.

All of you who told me "the council wants a club" had the wool pulled over your eyes from day one by pathological liars.

Every politician is cut from the same mold as Ron Martin.

They are lying greedy ****s.

How we can live in a democracy that allows 1 man the power to single-handedly destroy a local club with 118 years of history, simply because he doesn't want to pay for it anymore is a ****ing travesty!

We have Trillionairs running premier league club that spend more money on 12 year old footballers who will never play for the club, than what it would cost to save clubs like us.

The government should have the power to take the club away!

Ron isn't even trying to save it!!!!! he's a broke old **** and the club and fans are the ones being sent to slaughter.

I really really hope we burn this ******* to the ground if our club dies.

You're a sad old **** Ron, and the heart of Southend United will outlive you and all your pathetic family 🖕🏻
It is almost a perfect storm. A council that puts blame across the political divide and is as helpful as a razor blade for scratching a scrote itch. Then RM and co, who have made mistakes and are hated, that are trying to preserve their potential pot of gold, that's business, which puts our club in jeopardy. Along come COSU, a band of brothers, that I am repeatedly told are sound, solid businessmen. Sorry, but if they saved us from the brink, pumped money in when they don't own the club, relied on the integrity of RM and SCC, then they are gamblers at best, naive or at worst colluding in this folly.

Most fans want to take sides. Largely that is anti-RM, disenchanted with SCC and supportive of COSU. The protesters claimed victory, Anna Firth basked in media attention and the long suffering, sincere fans have just gone on suffering more and more. This will end in tears. Nails were being hammered into our coffin for nearly forty years and soon the council will muster a team of pall bearers, complete with crocodile tears, to lower us into the landfill RH once was. They will then party long into the night as the houses are built on a ground covered by a covenant that they will use as toilet paper.

Somehow, up to now, the fans have survived on a mediocre diet of occasional good times and lies, lies, lies. I cannot swallow any more.
This may be very simplistic and not feasible, verging on a stupid suggestion but here goes, would it be possible for the consortium to fund the phoenix club, if the council makes sure that roots hall stays for the future of a Southend club. I know we then start at the bottom, but I find this an exciting prospect.
This may be very simplistic and not feasible, verging on a stupid suggestion but here goes, would it be possible for the consortium to fund the phoenix club, if the council makes sure that roots hall stays for the future of a Southend club. I know we then start at the bottom, but I find this an exciting prospect.
Ron owns Roots Hall, and he'd rather build on it

Nice idea though