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SUFC: The Future COSU, Communications & Future

Our hopes and visions for the rebirth of Southend United, plus any plans published by the consortium for discussion

Do you think it reasonable that COSU give us an update on progress.

  • Yes

    Votes: 168 59.6%
  • No

    Votes: 32 11.3%
  • Not bothered either way.

    Votes: 82 29.1%

  • Total voters
What are people expecting from a statement if COSU make one? I dont get it, manager and recruitment team havent found anyone worthy of a contract, Release clause triggered and a few injuries, whats there to state?
Probably not a statement, but just some communication, club updates, what work is being done, future work, current psoition the club is in etc etc, it doesn't have to be negative and it probably wouldn't be either, people want to know what's happening.
90% of that has all been laid out before, nothing would have changed in how they plan on running it. seems like weve hit a road bump and people are wanting the consortium to make a statement of who they want to sign and how much money is available
Yes, but COSU have also funded millions of Ron’s debt, sorted out the new training ground so it’s safe and usable (among other things) this year. The comms is lacking, but the evidence points to overall spending having increased massively in the past 12 months. The transfer/wages kitty can’t (responsibly) be taken in isolation.
That wasn’t a surprise to them that’s like taking the family on holiday and then telling them we are staying in the hotel without food for a week as you spent it all on the holiday
My disappointment with COSU started at the first home game with York as I expected more of a fanfare considering what we had been through, with a introduction to them and a lap of honor and a bit of old fashion fist bumping just all seemed a bit flat.
Did pretty much that at Kiddie.
This place is absolutely mind blowing.
Maybe with better communication it wouldn`t have been this bad? Something that was missing for years and we hoped would be better under COSU? We all need to significantly pull back on this seasons expectations. Consolidation and a mid table finish is what we will probably achieve. It`s going to take time to get us back on an even keel and push on in future seasons. People may not like it, but we have been neglected for years with overspending and the rat robbing Peter to pay Paul, etc.... Communication doesn`t cost them anything, and would of put a lot of fans minds at rest with a clear explanation of squad size, budget, and other projects and time scales. I think most fans appreciate what they have done, we have a club, etc... a little comms would have gone a long way? As custodians, it seems at some stage in the future they will move on and they would leave us in a much better place than we are currently. If this is 2 years or 5 years down the line, it doesn`t matter, we are thankful that they are here and have the best will for Southend United FC.
That wasn’t a surprise to them that’s like taking the family on holiday and then telling them we are staying in the hotel without food for a week as you spent it all on the holiday
Thanks for reminding me. Just booked and paid for a return flight to Hong Kong. Looks like I’m going to go hungry.
That sounds an awful lot like how Ron would handle it.

A properly run business will have clear pre-agreed funding plans with contributions agreed in advance and not just made up as they go along.

Do people really want to go back to the Ron ways of doing things - marquee signings to attempt to sell ticket, funding made up as we go along etc rather than be a sustainable football club?
Judging by this thread yes!

I’ve been trying to find COSU’s statements pre and upon acquiring the club. Maybe they could be posted as a sticky???
You were quite vocal that the takeover was never going to happen and the club was going bust?

Chill. Maybe (like me) you aren’t right all of the time.
Fare point … good commmet to be fare , but this is ‘just’ a message board just a note … there’s no right or wrong in it … just a written comment to what your brain thinks at that time … can’t change it’s the way I am … when I’m at a game I’m 100% behind the team and travel everywhere I can to be part of it .. I use this to vent my frustration because it literally is harmless this should be for ‘opinions ‘ out there should be for ‘support’

I take your comment on board
It is clear that the morale boosting effect of the takeover on many supporters has been dissipated by the departure of Cardwell, the Kensdale affair whatever that was about and the injuries to key strikers, not to mention Demetriou leaving as well and the somewhat underwhelming nature of the two recent signings. Add to that the state of the stadium and the lack of discernable improvements to the facilities and the silence of COSU who always had plenty to say before the takeover and you get the feeling from afar that trouble is brewing. Maher's reported comments also seem to indicate that inside the club a similarly jaded atmosphere exists. Of course, it is early in the season and a couple of good results changes the mood completely. Let us hope it starts from tomorrow.
Good post which summarises our current situation correctly in my view.
Judging by this thread yes!

I’ve been trying to find COSU’s statements pre and upon acquiring the club. Maybe they could be posted as a sticky???
You won't find much other than this - https://www.southendunited.co.uk/news/2024/july/19/club-statement/

This is the issue a number of fans have at the moment.

I don't think it is too much to ask for an update from COSU now they have acquired the club and training ground.

Nobody is asking for a 10,000 page business plan. Just a simple Thanks for backing us in huge (almost record breaking numbers - in just a few weeks) numbers, we’ve got a lot of work to do but we’ve done this, looking to do that, short & long term ambitions, whilst steadying the club financially etc. To say nothing is what we’ve experienced for 20 years under the Dark Lord.

I hope soon that the silence is broken and some positive comms can give us the lift it feels like we need right now…
Well, this thread is becoming incredible.

Less than 50 days... that's how long COSU have actually been in charge.

Some people have the memories of goldfish on here. Have we forgotten that we so nearly didn't have a club AT ALL until Justin and the consortium literally wrenched it from the hands of the Martin family? To do so, they had to spend around £4m they weren't expecting to just to keep the club alive? That was an enormous leap of faith to make and let's remember they haven't even got what they actually wanted yet.

COSU (Justin aside) are effectively the same us us; SUFC fans through and through, but with a bit more money than most of us and they are prepared to lose some of it by keeping us afloat. And I'm not going to use the word "invest" because that implies a return, which I very much doubt any of them will get.

They've stuck their hands in their pockets to keep us alive with no prospect or promise of even getting to where we are today, which at one stage seemed like it would take a bloody miracle. And yet now people are moaning like **** because they haven't brought in players, or delivered updates, or done anything much around the stadium, or (insert gripe here).

Re players, Kev won't want to just sign anyone. The problem with just getting anyone in is that the budget is tight and he doesn't just want anyone; he wants the right person. It's a tricky call and when you have a week like last week, with two totally unexpected events occurring, it can temporarily sabotage the plans.

As for information, we all want it but none of us are entitled to it. Regular updates from COSU could be quarterly, for instance, and I have no problem with that. I've been brought up in an era of no information at all unless you happened to be personally involved or know someone.

So, can I suggest some people just remember where we were back in July, look at where we are now and be thankful for the guys who have made that possible. Personally, I will be buying every shirt that comes out this season, will be doing any pre-match drinking or eating at the club rather than in local places and will try and do whatever I can to help COSU get us back to where we belong.

I'm not saying we should all do that but at the very least, show some patience and faith. Rome wasn't built in a day and they aren't starting with a clean beginning; there is a hell of a lot of catch up to do.