It doesn't exist. Already debunked by the WHO. Just more of the endless scaremongering by the MSM.
They've actually said they're not aware of the strain, I haven't read anywhere where they say it doesn't exist.
It doesn't exist. Already debunked by the WHO. Just more of the endless scaremongering by the MSM.
They've actually said they're not aware of the strain, I haven't read anywhere where they say it doesn't exist.
Well in any event I think I'll trust them more than the daily mail.
In retrospect and knowing what I do know about the virus I think we would have been better spending billions on protecting hospitals, care homes and the vulnerable rather than paying 20 something healthy people to sit at home.
Possibly - but I don't get the relevance to the death rate in 2020 versus 1990
Some people Discussing on the media about Portugal being moved to the Amba list. It's done to protect this Country. People know the gambles travelling, just take a holiday in this Country, if the weather is nice, we have some of the best places to visit in the world.
STAY HOME and enjoy what the UK has to offer.
Being selfish that doesn’t help me! I work in aviation and I am relying on people to travel abroad and by plane to keep my job! So don’t STAY HOME whenever you get the chance fly for a holiday![]()
Some people Discussing on the media about Portugal being moved to the Amba list. It's done to protect this Country. People know the gambles travelling, just take a holiday in this Country, if the weather is nice, we have some of the best places to visit in the world.
STAY HOME and enjoy what the UK has to offer.
Yeah agreed I’m in the same boat as you know. There has to be targeted support for the aviation and travel industries if this carries on. Extension of furlough or something.Being selfish that doesn’t help me! I work in aviation and I am relying on people to travel abroad and by plane to keep my job! So don’t STAY HOME whenever you get the chance fly for a holiday![]()
Literally took me five minutes to find real question no scientist or self appointed expert has asked, is why did so many old people catch covid whilst in hospital. Some went in with even minor complaints and were never seen again other than by one or two family members.
I'm un-lurking temporarily to point out a lie. This is untrue.
From 2010 - 2019 there was roughly 500,000 deaths per year. In 2020 it rose up to 608,000
"Good" to see the usual faces are anti-vax, Covid deniers. It's like you could connect them in some way....
That's me, bye again.
One thing that has to be taken in consideration in regards to death rates is population increase. Since 2000 the UK population has increased by around 10 million.
But not since 2019. My question to the Covid deniers was how do you explain the rise of 78,000 deaths in one year if you believe it's a harmless disease and no worse than the flu.
As an aside, I find it hard to believe there's a thread on this board mourning those Shrimpers and family members who have died due to Covid at the same time people are comparing C19 to a bad cold. It's quite laughable if it wasn't so tragic.
Literally took me five minutes to find
One thing that has to be taken in consideration in regards to death rates is population increase. Since 2000 the UK population has increased by around 10 million.