Topgun Pilot
Had my 1st jab yesterday afternoon. Feeling a bit crap today, but paracetamol seems to be keeping it in check
That isn't true, although there has been confusion around this which hasn't been helped by the mixed government messages.I just don’t understand it to be honest. It’s being proven vaccines are preventing hospitalisations and deaths yet we’re testing millions of healthy people.
For some reason they have also changed the guidance on lateral flow tests for school children which has been the same the whole way through the pandemic so many with false positives are having to stay at home. The whole way through a positive lateral flow with a negative PCR means you don’t have to self isolate, this has been changed for school children who still have to isolate with a negative PCR. My mum is an assistant in a school and if a teacher has a negative follow up PCR they do not have to self isolate. Doesn’t make sense to me.
Had my 1st jab yesterday afternoon. Feeling a bit crap today, but paracetamol seems to be keeping it in check
That isn't true, although there has been confusion around this which hasn't been helped by the mixed government messages.
If a school child tests positive with a rapid LFD but negative with a PCR then they don't need to complete their self-isolation.
There is practically no chance of getting a positive LFD and positive PCR but not have COVID. There's also practically no chance of getting a positive LFD, a negative PCR, but have COVID.
The rapid LFD tests do very occasionally generate false positives (but it's still pretty rare). Therefore the testing process is using the rapid LFD tests as a way to filter out a significant number of asymptomatic people without COVID, and ensure the PCR tests are used as confirmatory tests and for symptomatic cases. Also if you get an LFD positive result then more likely than not you have COVID (even if asymptomatic), so you can isolate straight away (and await a confirmatory PCR test)
So it makes absolute sense to overrule a LFD result with a PCR result (because they have better diagnostic accuracy in terms of both sensitivity and specificity), and people who are truly negative can get back to work/school.
I agree but the government have been trying to clarify this after getting the messaging wrong. People can and should end their isolation if they get a negative PCR. My wife works in COVID testing at a college and there's updated guidance going around everywhere.I respect your comments and that makes sense however unfortunately this is happening. I am also hearing schools telling parents not to bother with a PCR as a negative will not downgrade the test result. Whole things a bit of a mess and not helped by various people contradicting each other before the schools actually went back.
They're not being tested specifically due to the risk to children of COVID-19, you're correct that they are typically of the lowest risk. They're being tested to stop transmission chains from school to home, and from home to school. In particular, this is to stop transmission of new variants which require close monitoring and avoid whole schools needing to shut down.I also don't agree with testing millions of asymptomatic young people. The datas based on hospitalisations and deaths and the chances of school children entering those categories is miniscule.
Can anyone answer please the accuracy of the body temp checks and how that relates to unwell/covid?
Should not a high temp preclude school anyway? do non symptom persons have high temperature?
The costs of the test trace need review for corruption?
The cost of PPE need review for corruption?
Can anyone answer please the accuracy of the body temp checks and how that relates to unwell/covid?
Should not a high temp preclude school anyway? do non symptom persons have high temperature?
The costs of the test trace need review for corruption?
The cost of PPE need review for corruption?
The body temp observation is only a guide as one of the first symptoms to display in COVID is a high temperature.
Most places now will take your temperature but they wont know what to do with the results.
for me it is only one of several observations
funnily enough most of the thermometers used where you hold to your head are very unreliable and in several cases where I have visited I have had my temperature recorded on a few occasion as 30 and in one case at 26 which I explained to the person taking it I hoped not as with a temperature that low I should be in the morgue - they did not have a clue
Do you have a source? I can only see articles from yesterday saying 3 deaths, 33 positive cases. Also a police investigation has been started, seems like there is probably more to this story.
What one did you have?.
Astra Zeneca.
A good friend of ours was due to get her AZ vaccination yesterday.Not suprisingly it was cancelled.Iroonically if she'd booked for an am slot the jab would have gone ahead.Hardly a very convincing way to roll out a mass vaccination program.FWIW,I happen to think that it's much easier to pause the rollout of a vaccine when stocks are in short supply (as they're said to be here and in France) rather than when they're not.
I can't help but think theres more to this with the EU. It all sounds fishy to me. From what i've read, we've not had any proof of any blood clots here in the UK. It all seems very strange.
Personally, I'm very reluctant to buy the "it's all the EU's fault" (see Daily Fail headline this am) especially when a number of countries pausing the AZ vaccine are outside the EU.There would appear to be some evidence that the number of people who develop blood clots after taking the AZ vacciine is a little higher (but that's also true of those taking the Pizher vaccine, apparently.In any case I'm convinced (following the EMA and WHO recommendations) that the benefits of taking the vaccine far ouweigh any possible disadvantages.
I had that one last Weds. Went to bed that night, couldn't even find where i'd been injected!. Woke up Thurs morning, it was a little tender, & i had a dull slight headache. But after a brisk 35 min walk that vanished.
You feeling ok today?.
I had that one last Weds. Went to bed that night, couldn't even find where i'd been injected!. Woke up Thurs morning, it was a little tender, & i had a dull slight headache. But after a brisk 35 min walk that vanished.
You feeling ok today?.