That's a bit misleading IMO. The contraceptive pill does cause clots, but at a much lower rate now than it used to. Also the clots that are typically a result of taking the pill generally present at DVTs in a limb, or a pulmonary embolism.I think it's highly likely that more women die of blood clots arising from the contraceptive pill each year than people have from blood clots "caused" by the AZ vaccination. Just posturing from the EU.
From my reading about the AZ/Oxford vaccine and thrombotic events, it seems like the concern has been a number of highly rare brain thromboses in particular (CVTs), coupled with thrombocytopenia (the opposite of clotting, where you don't have platelets and suffer microvascular bleeding). These are different to DVTs and so it's important not to compare apples to oranges here.*
It's also probably sensible to not make definitive statements about the safety of the vaccines. The data and trials point to them being highly safe, but the national regulators have paused roll-out due to safety events. Hopefully they'll confirm that the vaccines are safe and all countries will get rapid access to vaccines which are definitely showing good levels of efficacy and have brought the cases in the UK right down.
Finally, this isn't posturing from the EU. The EMA (Europe's medicines regulator) has consistently said that the vaccine is safe to be used. This is the regulators within member countries (and European countries outside of the EU) making the decision to halt roll-out and investigate. The EMA recommended AZ for all ages, but Germany's regulator chose to restrict the approval to under 65s. This, along with mixed messages from politicians and the media caused very poor uptake of the AZ vaccine, which they've then been trying to walk back.
*My hypothesis, having discussed this at work, is that these event could be caused by COVID-19 (both CVTs and thrombocytopenia are associated with COVID-19). So these may be individuals who have acquired COVID-19 at the same time as receiving their vaccine. I've seen it mentioned in some circles online. We'll have to see in the coming days.