blues exile
First XI
Sometimes?All left wingers are sexist? You really are shameless in your desire to troll and will leave no nonsense unsaid.
It's embarrassing to be on the same forum as you sometimes.
Sometimes?All left wingers are sexist? You really are shameless in your desire to troll and will leave no nonsense unsaid.
It's embarrassing to be on the same forum as you sometimes.
trying to be polite!Sometimes?
So you are now essentially calling this "lefty" a sexist.
Next time you bump into me, lets have this discussion where you can't be a keyboard warrior.
All left wingers are sexist? You really are shameless in your desire to troll and will leave no nonsense unsaid.
It's embarrassing to be on the same forum as you sometimes.
OMG.....melodramatic or what.
So you've defended it's corruptness, it's lack of any meaningful democratic process, it's unending pursuit of total hegemony over other European sovereign states and it's complete lack of accountability to anyone or anything but itself by saying 'well, I'm scared of any kind of alternative and I'm willing to turn a blind eye because it's the least painful solution for me.
That French attitude is rubbing off on you.
These Ramsgate Councillors that are furious about the incompetence of the ferry plans are of course Tory Councillors.Yep, and more from the Ramsgate fiasco......
Seaborne's contract was one of three awarded to ease "severe congestion" at Dover, in the case of a no-deal Brexit.
The contingency plans allow for almost 4,000 more lorries a week to come and go from other ports, including Plymouth, Poole, and Portsmouth.
In total the contracts are worth £103m.
"From local knowledge, there is terrific concern that we [Ramsgate Port] can not possibly by ready. There isn't the width or the breadth of the berths that is needed to carry large ships," the councillor said.
"I don't see how, with the state of the harbour and the port and the number of repairs that are needed that it could be ready."
Ms Martin also said there had been no contact with the council about opening the harbour for larger freight ships.
"We didn't have any notification of any this at our council meeting on 6 December. Why not? This is my ward. I have not had a single email from anybody."
"If someone can show me how the DD was carried out, if someone can show me evidence on paper I shall feel a lot more comfortable,"
It sounds like Chris Grayling couldn't run a p up in a brewery, and has handed out a £13.8 M contract to a freight company that only exists on paper.
WOW, where did I even mention her failure in the Brexit negotiations. I didn't. Nor did I blame the EU, I didn't even imply it. And I didn't ignore the point. It just wasn't/isn't pertinent to the point I was making.
What I did say and the point I was making is that so many people are so quick to slag off TM, BJ, JRM or anyone else Tory, or indeed anyone else that believes in the Brexit vote, that one of the core reasons we find ourselves where we are now is precisely what so many of those very same people choose to ignore and cannot defend.
Do some research and then then come back and defend the totally immoral, and some would say illegal, planned and systematic EU re: German and French bank and ECB and IMF led, destruction of the already bankrupt Greek economy and it's own banking system.
I don't think anyone, on the left or otherwise, would defend the way Greece was shafted by the troika.Certainly not me.
Meanwhile perhaps you can enlighten us as to how much control you have taken back since the 2016 referendum (nearly 3 years ago now)?
But by accepting the status quo you are tacitly defending it.
No I can't as we haven't left yet.
I hope its not as harrowing as 'I Daniel Blake' was on Saturday (available on iPlayer). The scene in the food bank was very difficult to watch but overall it is essential watching to get a real grasp of how people slip into situations that the Welfare State was designed to prevent happening.I presume all interested parties will be viewing Brexit: The Uncivil War, on Channel 4 at 9pm this evening?
I presume all interested parties will be viewing Brexit: The Uncivil War, on Channel 4 at 9pm this evening?
Out of 9-5 daytime office hours work from home so that will be a no![]()
I hope its not as harrowing as 'I Daniel Blake' was on Saturday (available on iPlayer). The scene in the food bank was very difficult to watch but overall it is essential watching to get a real grasp of how people slip into situations that the Welfare State was designed to prevent happening.
the French are taking to the streets with molotovs, the Brits are taking to the streets with cardboard boxes and sleeping bagsSaw it at the cinema here, shortly after it came out. My wife works Tuesday and Friday afternoon at 'Les Restos de Coeur' (a food bank) in Saint Gaudens. Misery unfortunately exists everywhere.
Hope you aren't suggesting we do the same as the French.the French are taking to the streets with molotovs, the Brits are taking to the streets with cardboard boxes and sleeping bags
Recording facility? or iPlayer?