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I spoke to Bob briefly a couple of years ago.At the time there was just him, Coughlan who watched a few local games and a young lad who did it for free that Bob sent around places and just paid travelling expenses. Not really much of a scouting network but didn’t really expect any more at a league 2 club.

Cheers KS, thats sad really, doesnt sound much does it? basically one man and his dog, no disrespect to those involved who no doubt give it there all, especially if virtually volunteering! I wonder if it has gone up a wee notch, now we are back in the dizzy heights of League One?.
A lot of our recruitment comes on recommendations from other clubs/personal. For example Can you take our youth player on and see what he can do/Phils friendship with Big Sam.etc
ahhhh one of the bullies has piped, one of the 4 who don't know the difference between a general comment, and a direct attack... You have history I see as well, your a mod? The sword should not have touched your shoulder....


No actually one of the mods has piped up. It's not an attack your constant trolling and snipes at the alleged use of the Roslin are not funny and getting tedious.

Yes I am a Mod and I do have history I've been on this site for a long time thank you for noticing.

And while we are bringing up English/dictionaries etc. Maybe you should take a look at this:
No actually one of the mods has piped up. It's not an attack your constant trolling and snipes at the alleged use of the Roslin are not funny and getting tedious.

Yes I am a Mod and I do have history I've been on this site for a long time thank you for noticing.

And while we are bringing up English/dictionaries etc. Maybe you should take a look at this:

Must have hit a nerve...
So the fun has started, 5 clubs in our league making their first captures , either on frees or undisclosed. No doubt my expectations will be too high in terms of who we can bring in, but really hoping we can bring in at least two quality signings earlyish.
I see Bob Shaw is listed as Head of recruitment rather than Chief Scout, I dont know if that means the role has changed much. From looking back Bob Shaw has served the club for many years in scouting and recruiting. He must have built up considerable experience, but the club does not seem very forthcoming on how our recruiting/scouting system works. I assume we dont have 700 working for us as reported Seville do?
Anyone know the actual set up?

I think you've hit the nail on the head - you're expectations are too high.
Chill out, enjoy the summer, forget about football until August, next season probably won't be anywhere near as bad as you fear.
I think you've hit the nail on the head - you're expectations are too high.
Chill out, enjoy the summer, forget about football until August, next season probably won't be anywhere near as bad as you fear.

We aren't in the play offs this year, we have no excuse not to go out and get targeted players in early. If other teams in our division are already recruiting, why can't we?
We aren't in the play offs this year, we have no excuse not to go out and get targeted players in early. If other teams in our division are already recruiting, why can't we?

I find there are enough things in life to worry about without spending the summer fretting because my football team always makes its signings late in the day.
I find there are enough things in life to worry about without spending the summer fretting because my football team always makes its signings late in the day.

Then you will likewise have enough things to worry about in April next year when we are facing relegation due to not getting our fingers out of our behinds and getting in early with some quality players now.
Then you will likewise have enough things to worry about in April next year when we are facing relegation due to not getting our fingers out of our behinds and getting in early with some quality players now.

That's my problem. I always find things to worry about, things that are so silly, things I can't do anything about. Not so long ago I used to worry that my team hadn't signed enough quality players for next season 9 days after the final game of the previous season.
It was Phil Brown who recently stated it had hampered us for the past 2 seasons not moving early. This time he claimed he would move quickly. I for one happen to get excited every day about Southend, sad or not, I also wouldnt attempt to slightly belittle anyone who was also that keen
How do we know he isn't already talking to prospective players?

Don't forget, we are not in a good bargaining position for some players (i.e wages, set up here) and so on, so agents won't be falling over themselves to suggest Southend as the right place for their fella.
It was Phil Brown who recently stated it had hampered us for the past 2 seasons not moving early. This time he claimed he would move quickly. I for one happen to get excited every day about Southend, sad or not, I also wouldnt attempt to slightly belittle anyone who was also that keen

I'm sorry if you feel I have belittled you. I was being tongue-in-cheek but also truthful - I really am a worrier but have found that worrying often makes absolutely no difference to the thing I am worrying about.
I've been browsing SZ for a year since rejoining and as I recall you were equally concerned last summer about other clubs signing players earlier than us. Some of those clubs did better than us, some did about the same and some did worse. Do you really want to spend the whole summer worrying about it again? Will it make any difference as to who we sign and when?
How do you know the club is not making its best efforts to bring in quality players early? Is it really that easy to do that when anyone available and any good will be able to drive a hard bargain.
Have other clubs in our League brought in proven quality players yet? If so, how does their spending power compare to ours?
The recruitment thing in general interests me. I appreciate some people do scouting for love not money. Just would like to know how we go about it, given recent track record leaves a bit to be desired. It must have huge ups and downs. Imagine finding the next Freddie.
I suppose things have changed a lot with even Everton turning to Football Managers data base. It used to be more of an art that a Science I presume, trusting your experience and instincts.
Ajax of course were famous for it. ( Awaits to be shot down for mentioning a higher status club ) The TIPS model is very popular apparently i.e. assessing ability on Technique, players Insight, Personality and Speed. Lots of stats all scoring the above today ?
I'm sorry if you feel I have belittled you. I was being tongue-in-cheek but also truthful - I really am a worrier but have found that worrying often makes absolutely no difference to the thing I am worrying about.
I've been browsing SZ for a year since rejoining and as I recall you were equally concerned last summer about other clubs signing players earlier than us. Some of those clubs did better than us, some did about the same and some did worse. Do you really want to spend the whole summer worrying about it again? Will it make any difference as to who we sign and when?
How do you know the club is not making its best efforts to bring in quality players early? Is it really that easy to do that when anyone available and any good will be able to drive a hard bargain.
Have other clubs in our League brought in proven quality players yet? If so, how does their spending power compare to ours?

Are you some kind of memory man?
The recruitment thing in general interests me. I appreciate some people do scouting for love not money. Just would like to know how we go about it, given recent track record leaves a bit to be desired. It must have huge ups and downs. Imagine finding the next Freddie.
I suppose things have changed a lot with even Everton turning to Football Managers data base. It used to be more of an art that a Science I presume, trusting your experience and instincts.
Ajax of course were famous for it. ( Awaits to be shot down for mentioning a higher status club ) The TIPS model is very popular apparently i.e. assessing ability on Technique, players Insight, Personality and Speed. Lots of stats all scoring the above today ?

I know little about our scouting network other than the (in)famous Bob Shaw but would hope that anything our club can do that might give it an edge over others it is doing. However, everything in modern football comes back to money and this is where in League One we are very much midtable at best.
For me, the test of recruitment policy is where we finish in the table and in that respect with a promotion followed by midtable finish suggests though far from perfect, the club must have got something right in the last 2 years.
Next season is going to be a big test of Phil Brown's management abilities - a good manager should be able to get us near to the play offs. If we struggle, then he will deserve the criticism he would get. If he does well, I'm not so sure he would get the credit from all quarters that he would equally deserve. I know some people don't like Phil Brown, haven't liked him from day one but it's a certainty that when he leaves, plenty of his critics will be complaining about his successor in no time at all - some of them will be complaining from day one if their own preferred candidate doesn't get the job.