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For me TB saved his best for the Televised games. Thinking maybe putting himself in the shop window. If he played like he was on TV all the time, then definately keep him
Also nothing on Noel Hunt's situation- haven't seen him linked else where and what about Barnett?

From his Twitter, I think Hunt is doing his coaching badges, whether that has any connection with us or not, who knows?
For me TB saved his best for the Televised games. Thinking maybe putting himself in the shop window. If he played like he was on TV all the time, then definately keep him

Scott - do you have any response to these allegations?
Novak in talks with Charlton.
Novak has apparently interested numerous clubs and his wage demands/expectations are way above what we are able to pay. Sadly the same for numerous others as well.
According to the local paper up here we are believed to be in for 24 year old Left back Sam Habergham who played for the new Lincoln manager Danny Cowley at Braintree last season. Lincoln want to sign him but fear they may miss out with him favouring a move to a football league club instead.
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According the local paper up here we are believed to be in for 24 year Left back Sam Habergham who played for the new Lincoln manager Danny Cowley at Braintree last season. Lincoln want to sign him but fear they may miss out with him favouring a move to a football league club instead.

Played for England C side, and made some of the team of the years for the Conference.

Sounds like good cover for Coker.

Maybe Coker could push on to left wing?

No, no, no.

Coker is a good, attacking full back. His joy going forward is because his opposite marker lets him run free.

A lot of people suggested moving Simon Francis to right wing in the past, and it's the same situation there. It never worked out for him.
Maybe Coker could push on to left wing?

No way. For a start Coker was playing half the season when injured. So next season expect him to be back as a very good left back. Secondly, he doesn't like to go past a man, he would rather do that cut back thing.
I can't say I'm convinced on Barnett. Sometimes he was exactly what we have been missing up front, other times he wasn't. I think I would prefer a forward who was exactly what we have been missing all the time. There were a few too many occasions when he looked completely disinterested for me. I will always forgive a player for having an off day, but not trying does not feature in attributes I admire.

Sometimes (it depends on the individual) the way to sharpen up a player is to have an alternative sitting on the bench who is peckish (some might say hungry) to get on and earn a starting place ............. they call it competition for places.

And if we had 4 "proper" strikers to compete for two places say then Barnett might just have his finger out more often ........ although I also have to defend him by saying that at times he received little to no service and/or assistance up front.
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If Brown wants Wordsworth to take up a more attacking role, it suggests he is probably opting for a 4-4-1-1 next season with Wordsworth in the hole behind the forward a la Jack Payne. If so, I don't think we'll need 4 proper forwards. Clarke, Mooney and one other (Barnett?) would do fine.

I'd fancy Moussa and Wordworth to fight it out for the number 10 role which leaves room to get Knott signed up and get him in central midfield with Lenny, which would be excellent. Two proper, hardworking box-to-box central midfielders bossing the middle of the park.
If Brown wants Wordsworth to take up a more attacking role, it suggests he is probably opting for a 4-4-1-1 next season with Wordsworth in the hole behind the forward a la Jack Payne. If so, I don't think we'll need 4 proper forwards. Clarke, Mooney and one other (Barnett?) would do fine.

I'd fancy Moussa and Wordworth to fight it out for the number 10 role which leaves room to get Knott signed up and get him in central midfield with Lenny, which would be excellent. Two proper, hardworking box-to-box central midfielders bossing the middle of the park.

For a start Wordsworth is injured and likely to miss large chunks of the season. Moussa still yet to sign and for me a fit Timlin would do fine next to Lenny, by far our best CM partnership. Timlin can also play LM of course.
If Brown wants Wordsworth to take up a more attacking role, it suggests he is probably opting for a 4-4-1-1 next season with Wordsworth in the hole behind the forward a la Jack Payne. If so, I don't think we'll need 4 proper forwards. Clarke, Mooney and one other (Barnett?) would do fine.

I'd fancy Moussa and Wordworth to fight it out for the number 10 role which leaves room to get Knott signed up and get him in central midfield with Lenny, which would be excellent. Two proper, hardworking box-to-box central midfielders bossing the middle of the park.

I know it's not you who is suggesting it but 4411 is such a lame formation. You might as well play with two forwards and get stuck in to the opposition. You don't gain anything defensively from having a man in the hole as opposed to a man up front, so why do it?
I know it's not you who is suggesting it but 4411 is such a lame formation. You might as well play with two forwards and get stuck in to the opposition. You don't gain anything defensively from having a man in the hole as opposed to a man up front, so why do it?

I quite agree with that. The "man in the hole" can be effective at getting in between the opposition line of 4 defenders and their midfielders .............. but that rather presumes that the 4 defenders are going to be occupied by the 1 attacker and are not pushing up and closing the gap anyway. Better surely that the man in the hole is a midfielder who gets into that position when we have the ball with the 2 attackers pulling the opposition defence out of position.