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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Why not? Its not just a big day its big week. Could be deals to be finalised, players signed and plans for RH to be agreed.
I really don't see the rush to sign players, without the 10 point reduction last season we would of been in the play-offs, I would rather we steaded the ship first with the great squad we already have.

We have to learn to swim first before we decide what trunks to wear.
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Can you really see the league doing that? Points deduction seems more likely in my opinion

If the murmurings coming out of a source at Dagenham, where Steve Thompson is the Vice Chair of the NL board, I can certainly believe expulsion could definitely be on the cards.

I didn't last week, but news over the weekend could be some truth in it with the source being identified, as like some of our ITKs, very accurate with signing information, so obvioulsy has some close contacts to the powers that be at Dagenham. Also, some Aldershot ITKs had heard of the Gateshead non play off scenario, before it was officially announced, due to Shahid Azeem being a board member.

So I wouldn't dismiss the NL taking this action out of hand, although it would be a major step from points deduction to expulsion, but we have been nothing but administrative problems for them ever since we got relegated thanks to Ratty and family, which is why I would bite your arm off at the moment for a positive announcement on the takeover and completion the sooner the better.
For once im not sure what you are talking about mate
The bond - what it can be used for if we fail to complete the season.

It's likely that all results in our games would be null and void. Teams that have travelled to Roots Hall will have spent money on fulfilling the fixture, money that teams that haven't played us won't need to spend - hence the teams that have played us will have a financial disadvantage. The bond monies can be used to refund the expenses of the teams that have played us and hence remove the financial disadvantage.

Is that clearer?
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I'm expecting nothing today now. No doubt we'll be told there's "positive signs" but it's another false dawn frankly
we need to wait and see What is the point in speculating as to what the out come will be And if it is exspected that we will have a little more time to pay the bond Then it will give more time for the chat to continue for a few more days
Chris Phillips has just written "Not expecting National League statement tonight. I see this as potentially good news. Hopefully it's a sign Blues are being given more time."

They can’t do anything until our appeal is heard.

That’ll be the time to worry (if this stalemate between Ron & COSU hasn’t been broken)
RM - I will sell the club for £1, but want £4.5m for Roots Hall.
COSU - Ok, here is you £1, now deduct the £4.5m from the £20m you promised and we have a deal.

RM then owes COSU £15.5m once he starts to see his 'profit' from FF.

Profit = Any monies he has left after selling his soul to the devil.
But..... If the new deal RM has with the council apparently doesn't now produce that 20m anymore, there is a 4.5m gap preventing being able to make the decoupling happen.
RM - I will sell the club for £1, but want £4.5m for Roots Hall.
COSU - Ok, here is you £1, now deduct the £4.5m from the £20m you promised and we have a deal.

RM then owes COSU £15.5m once he starts to see his 'profit' from FF.

Profit = Any monies he has left after selling his soul to the devil.
He has a soul to sell?
I really don't see the rush to sign players, without the 10 point reduction last season we would of been in the play-offs, I would rather we steaded the ship first with the great squad we already have.

We have to learn to swim first before we decide what trunks to wear.

I'm not suggesting rush and spend wildly. But lets say there is one or two long term targets that have hung around for us this summer.......They need us to show some commitment ASAP.
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I really don't see the rush to sign players, without the 10 point reduction last season we would of been in the play-offs, I would rather we steaded the ship first with the great squad we already have.

We have to learn to swim first before we decide what trunks to wear.
100% agree with this. I would happily just take 2/3 players on loans until the end of the season not even permanent. Then if they/we do well, tie them down to a permanent contract.
So talks are going well and CP thinks NL making no statement is perhaps a hopeful sign.
I suspect talks continue and the two men and a dog at NL go home at 5 anyway.

No-one can pre-judge the NL, and there are concerning aspects to their decision making in terms of potential involvement of, and leaking by, their board. As has been said the perfect outcome for the board (many of our promotion challengers) is a points deduction but keeping us around for our money.

Still don't know why the deadline is supposedly now, and they have given us a few days to come up with £1m. In the end we need to be in a position to complete the season and they could as easily make that decision in 4 weeks time? Normally just before the season starts seems to be the deadline for these things. Maybe its because they know it will be appealed and, hence, they are leaving time for that process...
They can’t do anything until our appeal is heard.

That’ll be the time to worry (if this stalemate between Ron & COSU hasn’t been broken)
The appeal is also into the FA i believe, thats what the initial statement read as, so it could take time if the FA takes its usual amount of time.

I suppose there is nothing stopping them dishing out a punishment and saying we will reverse if the appeal is successful, or they could say this is the penalty however it is suspended until the put outcome of the appeal.
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