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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Agreed. More info in the last hour and I make you right.
How on earth is Anna saying she would medeate a meeting between the two partys seen as a cheep stunt . The lady had been in court when any winding up has come .She has met with the concoetium on many occations .She has done more to try to help the club while in office .Than ronald rat has done in years .So maybe she has the club at heart .iF she wins her seat next term or not .I will say it because i bleve it THANK YOU ANNA for all you have tryed to do .
Absolutely, and here's the thing that worries me.

COSU are £3.5m deep and if they walk away, that loss is crystallised. Plus, it means almost certain death for the club. There is no way the WUP will be paid off. Without a club, the covenant on RH is unenforceable. It can be developed. RM already has the planning permission and he would be an absolute loon if he hadn't already got offers on the table from developers to buy RH with the planning consent if we go tits up and so he will pocket quite a few quid now plus future income as houses are built.

He can sell FF off as a piece of land. Or not. It doesn't matter. It is only FF that the council are referring to regarding not giving any more planning permissions. Roots Hall is already banked. So he can sell up and bugger off.

The only way the above doesn't happen is that the club survives, then he can't develop RH. But beyond next week, the only way that happens is to pay the WUP. Unless COSU want to realise the loss, they have to pay it. There is no other way.

Once COSU have done that, then they will have blinked first (they technically already have by paying £3.5m on an asset they don't own) and so Ron can take his time. There is no longer an immediate rush and he can drag it out longer. With no sale going through, players will want to go, possibly the management team as well. The club will be on life support again.

Now I understand that the cost of finance may well be putting pressure on the Martins, but is it enough to make him do a deal now, or potentially wait a little bit to sell RH to developers?

Ron has no interest now in SUFC and doesn't give a flying **** about us. I believe it is all about the money now and what will maximise his return.

So, someone in the know, please can you tell me I'm wrong (and why) and that this scenario can't or won't happen please?

Planning permission for RH is conditional on the new stadium being built. The planning permission also runs out in 3 years.

Selling RH would be difficult as it’s leveraged near or beyond its land worth.

There are also levers that could be pulled which would make it difficult for the stadium to be sold or demolished.

Everything is in a tangled mess with different companies owned by RM owning different things and owing money to Tom, Dick, and Harry.

The cleanest solution is to do a deal that helps COSU take the club. We’re working round the clock on that.

Planning permission for RH is conditional on the new stadium being built. The planning permission also runs out in 3 years.

Selling RH would be difficult as it’s leveraged near or beyond its land worth.

There are also levers that could be pulled which would make it difficult for the stadium to be sold or demolished.

Everything is in a tangled mess with different companies owned by RM owning different things and owing money to Tom, Dick, and Harry.

The cleanest solution is to do a deal that helps COSU take the club. We’re working round the clock on that.
Thank you for clearing that up for us and welcome to the mad house.

Planning permission for RH is conditional on the new stadium being built. The planning permission also runs out in 3 years.

Selling RH would be difficult as it’s leveraged near or beyond its land worth.

There are also levers that could be pulled which would make it difficult for the stadium to be sold or demolished.

Everything is in a tangled mess with different companies owned by RM owning different things and owing money to Tom, Dick, and Harry.

The cleanest solution is to do a deal that helps COSU take the club. We’re working round the clock on that.

Could those levers be pulled - regardless of who owns the club. We need to prevent this situation happening again - making the stadium a community asset may help to prevent this.

The PP expiry is 3 years from time of granting - so what's left 18 months or so?

Earlier this month some and i do mean some fans were knocking Tom Lawrence for some small part he had in pg tips . Now its moved on to knocking Anna Firth for what is called some cheap political trick . Now lets look at this in all honesty .THE only person and i use that term loosly is that cretin that has a tighter grip on our club .He is the problem he is a low life piece of trash .And sooner or later club or no club Karma will get him and when it does i will be the first to dance on his grave .Rant over for now .
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Planning permission for RH is conditional on the new stadium being built. The planning permission also runs out in 3 years.

Selling RH would be difficult as it’s leveraged near or beyond its land worth.

There are also levers that could be pulled which would make it difficult for the stadium to be sold or demolished.

Everything is in a tangled mess with different companies owned by RM owning different things and owing money to Tom, Dick, and Harry.

The cleanest solution is to do a deal that helps COSU take the club. We’re working round the clock on that.
Are the Martins and partners coming to the table, being realistic and acting in a timely manner?

Planning permission for RH is conditional on the new stadium being built. The planning permission also runs out in 3 years.

Selling RH would be difficult as it’s leveraged near or beyond its land worth.

There are also levers that could be pulled which would make it difficult for the stadium to be sold or demolished.

Everything is in a tangled mess with different companies owned by RM owning different things and owing money to Tom, Dick, and Harry.

The cleanest solution is to do a deal that helps COSU take the club. We’re working round the clock on that.
Thank you for your openness councillor and thank you for the efforts you and your officers are making. That clean solution is surely in everyone's interest including the Martins. Good luck sir.
To answer the questions about RH/RM:

There is still work to do with the Martins. Putting restrictions on Roots Hall doesn’t help COSU as their sustainability model requires developing the stadium and land around it.

Would putting a community asset protection on just the stadium (rather than car park and other land) provide the protection the club and fans need? I think that gives the community first dibs on any future sale?
How on earth is Anna saying she would medeate a meeting between the two partys seen as a cheep stunt . The lady had been in court when any winding up has come .She has met with the concoetium on many occations .She has done more to try to help the club while in office .Than ronald rat has done in years .So maybe she has the club at heart .iF she wins her seat next term or not .I will say it because i bleve it THANK YOU ANNA for all you have tryed to do .
I didn’t say it was a cheap stunt. I suggested it wasn’t helpful to put negotiations back on the table when the council had said no more negotiations. When an hour later the councillor said we are negotiating, I had more information and I changed my view.

Planning permission for RH is conditional on the new stadium being built. The planning permission also runs out in 3 years.

Selling RH would be difficult as it’s leveraged near or beyond its land worth.

There are also levers that could be pulled which would make it difficult for the stadium to be sold or demolished.

Everything is in a tangled mess with different companies owned by RM owning different things and owing money to Tom, Dick, and Harry.

The cleanest solution is to do a deal that helps COSU take the club. We’re working round the clock on that.

Thanks and in the spirit of Shrimperzone, Bart or Flavs?
I didn’t say it was a cheap stunt. I suggested it wasn’t helpful to put negotiations back on the table when the council had said no more negotiations. When an hour later the councillor said we are negotiating, I had more information and I changed my view.
Exactly, a totally unhelpful post which just gives the rat family that glimpse of hope (that's all they need) to move and change things last minute.

Totally and utterly pointless tweet which just put everyone on edge again.

Would putting a community asset protection on just the stadium (rather than car park and other land) provide the protection the club and fans need? I think that gives the community first dibs on any future sale?
It would, if accepted, prevent the land being sold for 6 months so timing would be important. Overall, it offers some protection but it’s not a permanent shield.
Ron has a call my bluff record Fwaank Muir would be proud of. He has waved his knob at the courts more times than I care to remember. Deadlines to him are just goalposts to be moved. COSU are already invested. They’re going to think very long and very hard about walking away.

Ron’s also heavily invested and his spiders web of companies are mortgaged to the hilt. One way or another the money always mysteriously appears when it absolutely has to.

SCC needs a winner too but it does not (and should not) need it at the expense of taxpayers. The last thing they can afford now is another white elephant. By the way if they offered the Pier and Kursaal to Mr Adventure Island that would tick a few boxes.

The reality, which we will probably never know, is that all three parties are going to be playing brinkmanship with fall back positions up their sleeves.
Good job he’s not Patrick Campbell on same show, negotiations could take months before he finishes a sentence 😂
Earlier this month some and i do mean some fans were knocking Tom Lawrence for some small part he had in pg tips . Now its moved on to knocking Anna Firth for what is called some cheap political trick . Now lets look at this in all honesty .THE only person and i use that term loosly is that cretin that has a tighter grip on our club .He is the problem he is a low life piece of trash .And sooner or later club or no club Karma will get him and when it does i will be the first to dance on his grave .Rant over for now .
For the most part at least I don't think people are knocking her efforts (and certainly never her past efforts). Simply based an a misunderstanding that developed, by most it seemed, that there were no more negotiations her input seemed badly timed. This is now better understood. I think we can now stop conversations on that subject.
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