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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Amazingly just about everyone on here has bought into the concept that this coming Friday is a final deadline. Frankly I don’t believe that for a moment. I do believe COSU will walk if talks are not going in the right direction.

Fully expecting another statement confirming positive developments, talks continuing blah blah blah.
Agreed, but we have to pay that bill in the next week
Looking back at today’s statements flying off ****ter, there has been one positive suggestion, a breath of fresh air amidst the smoke and mirrors percolating and polluting the air, and that is one sentence within Anna Firth’s statement….
“It would be my intention that no one should leave the room until an acceptable deal had been agreed”.
I think a lot of us here would volunteer to guard the key to this room.
Quite frankly the Treaty of Versailles took considerably less time to agree to.
Looking back at today’s statements flying off ****ter, there has been one positive suggestion, a breath of fresh air amidst the smoke and mirrors percolating and polluting the air, and that is one sentence within Anna Firth’s statement….
“It would be my intention that no one should leave the room until an acceptable deal had been agreed”.
I think a lot of us here would volunteer to guard the key to this room.
Quite frankly the Treaty of Versailles took considerably less time to agree to.
Anna can’t get involved. It’s as simple as that. The fact she even suggested it could potentially get her in considerable trouble. I am sure COSU are pushing it harder than an MP that simply wants a bit of good press anyway and I think all parties know it needs sorting asap.
Anna can’t get involved. It’s as simple as that. The fact she even suggested it could potentially get her in considerable trouble. I am sure COSU are pushing it harder than an MP that simply wants a bit of good press anyway and I think all parties know it needs sorting asap.
If you read what Spaceman Spiff said, it wouldn’t need to be her. A third (or is it fourth?) party to chair with their sole objective being to facilitate a transfer and sale of the club within a set timescale. Social media messages saying “he said this” or “they want that” serve no purpose to neither man nor beast.
Whatever it takes, get the f…king deal done.
Just one normal ****ing day. Is it so hard?

If it’s a statement from Ron it will be a complete load of unbelievable boll*cks from a man who has not said a true word in years. Every statement he has released has not stood the test of time, in fact they have usually been proven to be lies in a matter of days. Anything appearing from him tomorrow is as good as worthless. The ONLY statement I’m interested in, and willing to believe is one from COSU, who have a proven record of high morals, honesty and integrity.
Ron has a call my bluff record Fwaank Muir would be proud of. He has waved his knob at the courts more times than I care to remember. Deadlines to him are just goalposts to be moved. COSU are already invested. They’re going to think very long and very hard about walking away.

Ron’s also heavily invested and his spiders web of companies are mortgaged to the hilt. One way or another the money always mysteriously appears when it absolutely has to.

SCC needs a winner too but it does not (and should not) need it at the expense of taxpayers. The last thing they can afford now is another white elephant. By the way if they offered the Pier and Kursaal to Mr Adventure Island that would tick a few boxes.

The reality, which we will probably never know, is that all three parties are going to be playing brinkmanship with fall back positions up their sleeves.
Nothing new. As much as I like Anna Firth and her enthusiasm for the club, her offer was not a welcome development. Ron doesn't think he has any options so is willing to agree to the council's proposal. Don't put it out there that a negotiation is on the table. I'm still sure that he will agree, and has indicated this to Cowan (albeit informally).
Have to agree. As much as Anna has done over the past year, even suggesting that there could be some negotiation on a take it or leave it deal from the Council is not helpful.
If it’s a statement from Ron it will be a complete load of unbelievable boll*cks from a man who has not said a true word in years. Every statement he has released has not stood the test of time, in fact they have usually been proven to be lies in a matter of days. Anything appearing from him tomorrow is as good as worthless. The ONLY statement I’m interested in, and willing to believe is one from COSU, who have a proven record of high morals, honesty and integrity.
Yep, his statements are rarely good news. Normally blaming others for us not getting good news. They are normally put out around bad news, with blame, deflection and false promises, to stop the whole Shrimpers world from turning up at his house. Surely even this grim reaper can finally give us some good, truthful news for a change.
Yep, his statements are rarely good news. Normally blaming others for us not getting good news. They are normally put out around bad news, with blame, deflection and false promises, to stop the whole Shrimpers world from turning up at his house. Surely even this grim reaper can finally give us some good, truthful news for a change.
On reflection I guess that the ‘statement’ may actually be by the disgruntled Tony Cox who is desperately trying to save face in all of this. Just so many ego’s at play it’s crazy. Hard to know what the next turn is likely to be. I so wish for a day when I can simply look forward to 3:00pm on a Saturday ⚽️ or a Friday night match under the lights with a chip butty on the walk to the ground - great days that I dearly miss 😞
On reflection I guess that the ‘statement’ may actually be by the disgruntled Tony Cox who is desperately trying to save face in all of this. Just so many ego’s at play it’s crazy. Hard to know what the next turn is likely to be. I so wish for a day when I can simply look forward to 3:00pm on a Saturday ⚽️ or a Friday night match under the lights with a chip butty on the walk to the ground - great days that I dearly miss 😞
Oh for the good ol days. When we had low key chairman that were hardly ever mentioned, pre Vic Jobson. It was all about the manager and the players. No talk of a new stadium or housing developments. All we had to worry about was results and relegation, thankfully not many of them, and where to stand the next game after pay on entry. Happy days.
Agreed, but we have to pay that bill in the next week
Absolutely, and here's the thing that worries me.

COSU are £3.5m deep and if they walk away, that loss is crystallised. Plus, it means almost certain death for the club. There is no way the WUP will be paid off. Without a club, the covenant on RH is unenforceable. It can be developed. RM already has the planning permission and he would be an absolute loon if he hadn't already got offers on the table from developers to buy RH with the planning consent if we go tits up and so he will pocket quite a few quid now plus future income as houses are built.

He can sell FF off as a piece of land. Or not. It doesn't matter. It is only FF that the council are referring to regarding not giving any more planning permissions. Roots Hall is already banked. So he can sell up and bugger off.

The only way the above doesn't happen is that the club survives, then he can't develop RH. But beyond next week, the only way that happens is to pay the WUP. Unless COSU want to realise the loss, they have to pay it. There is no other way.

Once COSU have done that, then they will have blinked first (they technically already have by paying £3.5m on an asset they don't own) and so Ron can take his time. There is no longer an immediate rush and he can drag it out longer. With no sale going through, players will want to go, possibly the management team as well. The club will be on life support again.

Now I understand that the cost of finance may well be putting pressure on the Martins, but is it enough to make him do a deal now, or potentially wait a little bit to sell RH to developers?

Ron has no interest now in SUFC and doesn't give a flying **** about us. I believe it is all about the money now and what will maximise his return.

So, someone in the know, please can you tell me I'm wrong (and why) and that this scenario can't or won't happen please?
Absolutely, and here's the thing that worries me.

COSU are £3.5m deep and if they walk away, that loss is crystallised. Plus, it means almost certain death for the club. There is no way the WUP will be paid off. Without a club, the covenant on RH is unenforceable. It can be developed. RM already has the planning permission and he would be an absolute loon if he hadn't already got offers on the table from developers to buy RH with the planning consent if we go tits up and so he will pocket quite a few quid now plus future income as houses are built.

He can sell FF off as a piece of land. Or not. It doesn't matter. It is only FF that the council are referring to regarding not giving any more planning permissions. Roots Hall is already banked. So he can sell up and bugger off.

The only way the above doesn't happen is that the club survives, then he can't develop RH. But beyond next week, the only way that happens is to pay the WUP. Unless COSU want to realise the loss, they have to pay it. There is no other way.

Once COSU have done that, then they will have blinked first (they technically already have by paying £3.5m on an asset they don't own) and so Ron can take his time. There is no longer an immediate rush and he can drag it out longer. With no sale going through, players will want to go, possibly the management team as well. The club will be on life support again.

Now I understand that the cost of finance may well be putting pressure on the Martins, but is it enough to make him do a deal now, or potentially wait a little bit to sell RH to developers?

Ron has no interest now in SUFC and doesn't give a flying **** about us. I believe it is all about the money now and what will maximise his return.

So, someone in the know, please can you tell me I'm wrong (and why) and that this scenario can't or won't happen please?

Except the council have made it clear that roots hall will not be granted housing planning should the deal fall apart.