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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

It will be hard to sell season tickets if Ron is still in charge hundreds of supporters will still not part with their money until he is history
It shouldn't be. He's not funding the club and he can't just pay himself a dividend because there are no profits to declare a dividend against.
Ron is and still will be the owner for a while so anyone with ideas of "I'm not giving the club my money while he's stil in charge" is really not helping.

We are happy for COSU to dig ever deeper to save our club with no promise of it ever coming back to them... I think the least we can do is buy our tickets.
If the COSU go ahead with backing the club again without ownership.
What is to stop the 🐀 dragging his feet even more, he will probably be thinking he has another free ride for 9 months. And he will still retain ownership.
The 🐀 must be ****ing himself with laughter. However I do hope the consortium can out manoeuvre the 🐀.
It shouldn't be. He's not funding the club and he can't just pay himself a dividend because there are no profits to declare a dividend against.
Ron is and still will be the owner for a while so anyone with ideas of "I'm not giving the club my money while he's stil in charge" is really not helping.

We are happy for COSU to dig ever deeper to save our club with no promise of it ever coming back to them... I think the least we can do is buy our tickets.
Agreed, it would be nice for the COSU to communicate that they Season ticket money will not be touched by the rat/rat junior which should sway most into parting with their hard earned sheckles.
If the COSU go ahead with backing the club again without ownership.
What is to stop the 🐀 dragging his feet even more, he will probably be thinking he has another free ride for 9 months. And he will still retain ownership.
The 🐀 must be ****ing himself with laughter. However I do hope the consortium can out manoeuvre the 🐀.
From the statement last week, I think COSU are going to need a little more than 'things are progressing' for them to carry on supporting the club, especially if it means paying the WUP.

RM only seems to act when backed into a corner and you'd hope that's where he's at now. COSU have been incredibly patient and I suspect Ron's been trying to exploit that, but they're no mugs. Whatever statement we get today, you'd hope it keeps the Martins with absolutely no room to move the goalposts again.
Maybe they've got the security from Jack, that would give you hope they would be in a hurry to get the deal done as well.
I think we have to focus on having faith in COSU, in many ways. Without any doubt they would've fully expected to be in total charge some time ago, despite that, they've shown their commitment to the club, time and time again, already. Probably like many, I really feared the beginning of the end with COSU cutting their losses and walking away. If they're sticking around (as rumoured) I'd like to think that they're astute and savvy enough to have got themselves in a strong position, in order for them to see the benefit in sticking around, investing more money and time and to finally be able to complete the takeover, as soon as possible.
To many false dawns for me to get excited. For me it needs to be 100% completion, not some progression been made, we've beeen hearing progress being made for 9 months...... that unfortunately doesn't warrant me paying nearly £400 and I think others will feel the same. Fair play to those who keep going, considering Southend are the worse run club in the country that's dedication. If the takeover happens I will want to come back and support Southend.
Can’t say I agree. The Consortium have put their money where their mouth is, in an effort to support SUFC not RM, and I will be doing the same. If it all comes good then great 👍, and if it goes belly up, well at least as supporters we tried. Given your username I would have expected the same 😉. However fully respect we all have differing views and RM has driven us all to the edge!
Agreed, it would be nice for the COSU to communicate that they Season ticket money will not be touched by the rat/rat junior which should sway most into parting with their hard earned sheckles.
My understanding is that COSU run the club on a day to day basis, hence, new pitch, training ground maintenance and the signings last season after the embargo is lifted. therefore any money obtained by the club for ST will not be touched by Ron. Have more faith in this due to the fact that TL is our CEO and also on the COSU board. Anyone not purchasing ST due to 'Ron still being in charge' are misguided. If you want to get this clarified just drop TL an email. He normally responds fairly promptly or maybe ask the Trust for clarify as they are in constant communications with COSU and in particular JR. If RM was still in charge of the financials ST would have been on sale weeks ago as hed want to pocket the money. The fact that it is COSU that are calling the shots on this should give you the reassurances you need. Maybe im naive but thats my understanding
My understanding is that COSU run the club on a day to day basis, hence, new pitch, training ground maintenance and the signings last season after the embargo is lifted. therefore any money obtained by the club for ST will not be touched by Ron. Have more faith in this due to the fact that TL is our CEO and also on the COSU board. Anyone not purchasing ST due to 'Ron still being in charge' are misguided. If you want to get this clarified just drop TL an email. He normally responds fairly promptly or maybe ask the Trust for clarify as they are in constant communications with COSU and in particular JR. If RM was still in charge of the financials ST would have been on sale weeks ago as hed want to pocket the money. The fact that it is COSU that are calling the shots on this should give you the reassurances you need. Maybe im naive but thats my understanding
Spot on
Each to their own. I'd never stay away or not support the club financially and vocally. I'll just put the season card on the credit card. Do it every year. Completely protected that way and it's interest free.
My view is if we expect the consortium to continue to keep a club they don't own going, and clear the embargo/WUP at great cost, the the least we can do is buy a season ticket. Otherwise, we are expecting others to do what we aren't prepared to do ourselves...
I think we have to focus on having faith in COSU, in many ways. Without any doubt they would've fully expected to be in total charge some time ago, despite that, they've shown their commitment to the club, time and time again, already. Probably like many, I really feared the beginning of the end with COSU cutting their losses and walking away. If they're sticking around (as rumoured) I'd like to think that they're astute and savvy enough to have got themselves in a strong position, in order for them to see the benefit in sticking around, investing more money and time and to finally be able to complete the takeover, as soon as possible.
Exactly right. They know the situation better than any of us and have the interests of the club very much in mind. They are best placed to take this forward and there is wide and substantial business experience in that group of people. I will be guided by them rather than someone I meet down the pub..