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When will the takeover go through? Council / Citizen Housing agree new Heads of Terms 26 June

It will be subject to a cabinet report and council but that doesn't need to be done to go through DD. We can line it up for the end to save time.

To comment on @SunSea&Shrimpers' point. Cabinet agendas and papers have to be published well in advance (legal requirement) so the business on the agenda doesn't necessarily reflect what is happening on that day. We had a confidential discussion at the end of Cabinet about SUFC just to reassure you that it is being discussed and worked on daily.

Whatever happens from now on @CllrDanielCowan & we still have a way to go I know, you have made many, many friends on SZ the vast majority of whom you will never meet. But they will be eternally grateful for your huge dedication & deal of creativity to "get SUFCexit done". 😂

Sorting SUFC from the mess the Martin family have made is not really a job for the Leader of SCC but you have gone above & beyond, I believe. As a Maldon resident I can offer to buy you a drink without risking claims of bribery 😇 & I truly hope one day that I can have that pleasure. Please don't be a stranger after this "hopefully" all settles down.
Whatever happens from now on @CllrDanielCowan you have made many, many friends on SZ the vast majority of whom you will never meet. But they will be eternally grateful for your huge dedication & deal of creativity to "get SUFCexit done". 😂

Sorting SUFC from the mess the Martin family have made is not really a job for the Leader of SCC but you have gone above & beyond, I believe. As a Maldon resident I can offer to buy you a drink without risking claims of bribery 😇 & I truly hope one day that I can have that pleasure. Please don't be a stranger after this "hopefully" all settles down.
Rumour has it even @Napster has threatened to buy @CllrDanielCowan a drink.

This of course will only happen on Naps part after due diligence and negotiations are completed.
Rumour has it even @Napster has threatened to buy @CllrDanielCowan a drink.

This of course will only happen on Naps part after due diligence and negotiations are completed.
Oh come on @Cricko although we are far enough into the Land of Make Believe today suggesting Nappy would buy a drink is just way too far-fetched even for my tiny mind!!
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Whatever happens from now on @CllrDanielCowan & we still have a way to go I know, you have made many, many friends on SZ the vast majority of whom you will never meet. But they will be eternally grateful for your huge dedication & deal of creativity to "get SUFCexit done". 😂

Sorting SUFC from the mess the Martin family have made is not really a job for the Leader of SCC but you have gone above & beyond, I believe. As a Maldon resident I can offer to buy you a drink without risking claims of bribery 😇 & I truly hope one day that I can have that pleasure. Please don't be a stranger after this "hopefully" all settles down.
"Treating" (one of the electoral definitions of bribery) only counts if I'm buying you a drink 😂