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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Sort of, but not voluntarily by them.

We’ve submitted an appeal to the sanction - as is our right - which needs to be dealt with first. By default, that moved back todays deadline.

Unfortunately, we don’t know how long for. Could be tomorrow, Wednesday, end of the week? All depends on how long it takes the relevant people to hear (and throw out) the appeal.
Is there any punishment for a frivolous appeal?
Yes, if the council stick to their word. Which may be a first for any council, ever.

No Tommy, I’m fully aware we haven’t been kicked out of the league, but I don’t think you realise how close that reality is. Hopefully it won’t come to that, and we’re all celebrating soon enough.

But make no mistakes, Ron will not lose out. He’ll still own several pieces of prime real estate, one of which he already has PP for 500 houses upon.
True, although I think all the debt he is carrying also comes at considerable cost, so delays are likely also to be impacting his ability to make a return and be very expensive- and SCC have indicated this falling apart would likely mean that any new proposal would take 2+ years and would need a different partner as SCC is because of the need to support the club.
Is there any punishment for a frivolous appeal?
Surely it’s not frivolous- for a start the size of the bond is beyond anything ever levied before, there was arguably unreasonable notice given the size of the bond, and the timing was arguably unreasonable (indeed arguably positively unhelpful) given the ongoing sale process, and finally the fact that there is 40 days to the beginning of the season arguably means the league could reasonably have given more notice, and time, to provide a bond or meet the terms.
I think we have a reasonable case on a few grounds. But the best outcome would be smaller bond and/or more time with the same conditions. Or it stands as it is. So best use the available time to conclude sale…
So from the reports - some positive steps today. It’s not done, but sounds like a better day than it was bad. The fact talks carried on past 6pm also suggests that they are probably close - perhaps they felt it could have been completed today - like that extra 30 mins in cricket.

We just have to hope that given a sleep someone doesn’t turn up tomorrow with a radically different view of the world.
Surely it’s not frivolous- for a start the size of the bond is beyond anything ever levied before, there was arguably unreasonable notice given the size of the bond, and the timing was arguably unreasonable (indeed arguably positively unhelpful) given the ongoing sale process, and finally the fact that there is 40 days to the beginning of the season arguably means the league could reasonably have given more notice, and time, to provide a bond or meet the terms.
I think we have a reasonable case on a few grounds. But the best outcome would be smaller bond and/or more time with the same conditions. Or it stands as it is. So best use the available time to conclude sale…
I asked slightly in jest - but is there no downside to appealing? Everyone would appeal if no downside.

Having read some of the rules I think it's reasonable to ask for the bond - size and timing who knows - but it's clear the rules say its at the leagues discretion. And the club shouldn't have been too surprised the request came either - someone at the club should know the rules inside out
I have sat watching all the messages for a week. I didnt know how to reply until yesterday.
You're clearly an intelligent guy @Lee - that is a tough thing to figure out.

I'm clearly a very good guesser - that's why my bets always come in. Has it occurred to you that even consortium members have friends and acquaintances and old school friends with whom they are willing to share a few tidbits?
No one actually knows what is going on. All the ` INK`S` DONT actually know anything. its all guess work. COSU and that dirty rat family are the only ones in the know. Chris from the echo dont even KNOW! chris has a job to do and is trying to earn a pound note, so he clings on to the hope he gets a reply from cosu or the rat family like we all do. The only ones in the know are the COSU and the club. Ive seen chris from the east stand get stopped because he dont wear the media identification so im unsure how he would know anything before the club shares it on our website. i dont know anything but in my mind we are a sinking ship until there is an update directly from the club.
Strongly disagree as a very few have shown they are 'close to the action'. Their input has been invaluable and is really appreciated by most.
You're clearly an intelligent guy @Lee - that is a tough thing to figure out.

I'm clearly a very good guesser - that's why my bets always come in. Has it occurred to you that even consortium members have friends and acquaintances and old school friends with whom they are willing to share a few tidbits?
I was hoping you were going to say that you were using your guessing on this issue as preparation for career in clairvoyance and were now planning to spend your summers in Southend...
a nice little stall somewhere on Southend pier perhaps ? I know it's off topic but can you advise if I should be betting on the horses on Thursday night?
No one actually knows what is going on. All the ` INK`S` DONT actually know anything. its all guess work. COSU and that dirty rat family are the only ones in the know. Chris from the echo dont even KNOW! chris has a job to do and is trying to earn a pound note, so he clings on to the hope he gets a reply from cosu or the rat family like we all do. The only ones in the know are the COSU and the club. Ive seen chris from the east stand get stopped because he dont wear the media identification so im unsure how he would know anything before the club shares it on our website. i dont know anything but in my mind we are a sinking ship until there is an update directly from the club.
Are they all getting tattoos, with the wrong date?
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We shall fight HMRC and the national league and rats.
we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the court, we shall defend our club, whatever the cost may be,
we shall fight in the court,
we shall fight with HMRC
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets with infested rats
we shall never surrender!
You're clearly an intelligent guy @Lee - that is a tough thing to figure out.

I'm clearly a very good guesser - that's why my bets always come in. Has it occurred to you that even consortium members have friends and acquaintances and old school friends with whom they are willing to share a few tidbits?
This is ludicrous, if I have no friends why should they? 😉