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Question What is making you happy today?

There you go. OBL still gets urges..........I just remember back to the cough and bunged up nose when I'm tempted, that normally works.

For me it's situations, usually after a really good meal out somewhere. I won't go back, not ever, the urge is not that strong that I will ever be tempted. It's something I forever associate with the ex and on the odd occasion where I have no choice but to see him, he still reeks of the stuff. He always did, I just never noticed it while I smoked.
For me it's situations, usually after a really good meal out somewhere. I won't go back, not ever, the urge is not that strong that I will ever be tempted. It's something I forever associate with the ex and on the odd occasion where I have no choice but to see him, he still reeks of the stuff. He always did, I just never noticed it while I smoked.

It's so true. It was her idea to give up, but my girlfriend occasionally caves in and has a cheeky one, thinking I won't notice. Funny thing is, I notice almost instantly the moment she gets in my car or I get in hers. She'll be chewing gum and thinking she's getting away with it, but as soon as I get close enough, I can always tell. So strange to think that in all the years I smoked, I never thought the smell was obvious!

The one thing that stops me when I have a pang is reminding myself of the amount of people who have told me how they never, ever hear me coughing anymore. I never do these days compared to how often I was coughing my lungs up when I was smoking. Makes me realise what a big impact just three months has had on my health :thumbsup:
I think my aunt still has pangs about 30 years in. What scares her into not giving in is a stat she told me. Apparently it doesn't matter how long you've gone without if you have one you're more than likely to be back where you were within 2 weeks.

She was right. Took me about a month to get back up to the 40 a day mark again. Saying that, unless I'm out on the beer at the weekend, I get through less than 15 for saturday and sunday.
I met a lady friend I have known (thru running) for 20+ years while out this morning for my regular 10 miler & she shared her good news - she has been made a MBE for services to the High Court. She is an ordinary lady, family 2 kids, lives in Leigh in average house, Ford Fiesta etc. So normal people DO, sometimes get recognised!
Try again. You won't regret giving up smoking, believe me.

I am going to have another go. Lame excuse I know but work was stressing me out big time but now I'm on hours again rather than load bonus, the stress level has come down quite a lot (I only feel the urge to strangle people now rather than going all American high school on them) Planning on starting 3rd August as I'm off work for a couple of weeks.
I met a lady friend I have known (thru running) for 20+ years while out this morning for my regular 10 miler & she shared her good news - she has been made a MBE for services to the High Court. She is an ordinary lady, family 2 kids, lives in Leigh in average house, Ford Fiesta etc. So normal people DO, sometimes get recognised!

That is great to hear because I always get annoyed seeing people getting them mainly for being famous.
My Raspberry Pi arrived. Plugged it into the telly and got Kodi (OSMC) working like a dream:smile:
That is great to hear because I always get annoyed seeing people getting them mainly for being famous.
You might be surprised Ricey. Lots of people get them but only the famous people get the publicity so you don't hear much about ordinary ones. Mate of mine got one a couple of years ago, basically for doing his job for a number of years.
Just booked my viva exam. **** got real.

Can't wait to get it over and done with.
You might be surprised Ricey. Lots of people get them but only the famous people get the publicity so you don't hear much about ordinary ones. Mate of mine got one a couple of years ago, basically for doing his job for a number of years.

We have a few people in the military who have got them recently. And it's the same people are shocked some have got it because they have just done their job and nothing special.