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My running buddy is a paramedic and sat 5 hours outside Basildon hospital with a patient,, now that's a waste of resources
Being a Labour supporter , I remember Gordon Brown opening a new wing at Basildon hospital and then shunted away from the protesters who wanted him to go in the AE and see the queues, doesn't matter which party is in, the NHS is on its knees sadly, a few doorstep claps are now a distant memory ( No lets not make this a political debate)
If you read my post about it on page 731, 5 hours is nothing. There were 20 ambulances queuing with a 16 hour wait. So 20 ambulance crews tied up waiting, and 20 ambulance crews then on overtime pay after their shift ends. The whole thing is a mess and the money wastage is massive. Not helped by how hard it is to get an emergency doctors appointment now. It's a miracle if you get through to reception when you keep ringing after 8am now. I was ringing on redial for 3 mornings last week from 8am to 9.15am. Just continually engaged. I explained to 111, and they said it's not ideal, but I will have to go to A&E. No wonder A&E is clogged up. The whole system is broken.
If you read my post about it on page 731, 5 hours is nothing. There were 20 ambulances queuing with a 16 hour wait. So 20 ambulance crews tied up waiting, and 20 ambulance crews then on overtime pay after their shift ends. The whole thing is a mess and the money wastage is massive. Not helped by how hard it is to get an emergency doctors appointment now. It's a miracle if you get through to reception when you keep ringing after 8am now. I was ringing on redial for 3 mornings last week from 8am to 9.15am. Just continually engaged. I explained to 111, and they said it's not ideal, but I will have to go to A&E. No wonder A&E is clogged up. The whole system is broken.
I've seen all these issues ongoing and you're right, 5 hours is a result in current times!! Truly shocking how bad things have got.
I've seen all these issues ongoing and you're right, 5 hours is a result in current times!! Truly shocking how bad things have got.
Hard decisions needed for the NHS, no longer can it be expected to provide cradle to grave services for all for no expense.
Ambulance can charge road accident casualties, usually insurance pays, for initial attendance, there is scope for charges to be leveled at other groups of "clients" like drunk or drug self abuse people?
And "time wasters" who aren't emergency cases, .
Like other organisations in the UK, such as Police, Fire, Rail, the NHS needs review, change leadership and investment.
Part of me, having seen ambulance crews sitting playing games etc outside the hospital while the patient has a fag thinks maybe internal politics and poor working practices are very often involved.
Cleared a spare hour in my workday to strip some paint from the bannisters, newel posts. Got everything set up and the heat gun started making grinding noises. Persisted for about 2 minutes and managed to satisfyingly scrape of some paint (its like peeling off a scab) and then the heat gun gave up and has now died.

£40 now spent on a replacement one online and everything packed away awaiting the arrival of that
Some of the most dangerous driving I have seen for a very long time on the M6, M1 and M25 on the way back from Brum. Quadruple Lane weaving at 70/80 mph. Absolute ****ing idiots that endanger every other driver on the road with them.
Me A Couple Of Weeks Ago: "Getting a toolbox is a great idea. It will be so efficient to have all the tools in one convenient place."

Me Today: "Where the f*** have all the screwdrivers gone!?"

Eventually I remembered what I had done. After about 15 minutes of searching.
  • Haha
Reactions: RHB
Some of the most dangerous driving I have seen for a very long time on the M6, M1 and M25 on the way back from Brum. Quadruple Lane weaving at 70/80 mph. Absolute ****ing idiots that endanger every other driver on the road with them.
drove this last night from London back to the NW. Motorway driving in this country is an absolute shambles. Variable speedlimits causing people to randomly brake when nothing in front. Middle and outer lane hogging, undertaking, tailgating. Just results in a really stressful drive.

I know it's not big or clever but after being stuck in the outer lane of 4 and hardly overtaking at about 65mph, i then dropped left into the first lane and found myself undertaking a whole train of 30-40 cars all stuck with some hoggers at the front and no one moving left. Congestion for absolutely no reason. The controllers had obviously seen this as there were matrix board messages being shown to move left.
Some of the most dangerous driving I have seen for a very long time on the M6, M1 and M25 on the way back from Brum. Quadruple Lane weaving at 70/80 mph. Absolute ****ing idiots that endanger every other driver on the road with them.
Get yourself a dash cam and load up the footage to the old bill
Driving is shocking generally, and rarely is there any more policing than a camera!
I, on longer drives prefer to leave early and get around M25 before 7am, have time to spare and keep to the left at best, with a 3 second gap to the vehicle infront.
ALWAYS assume the other road driver is a t wat and not seen me and that he, she, zee is highly unskilled.
drove this last night from London back to the NW. Motorway driving in this country is an absolute shambles. Variable speedlimits causing people to randomly brake when nothing in front. Middle and outer lane hogging, undertaking, tailgating. Just results in a really stressful drive.

I know it's not big or clever but after being stuck in the outer lane of 4 and hardly overtaking at about 65mph, i then dropped left into the first lane and found myself undertaking a whole train of 30-40 cars all stuck with some hoggers at the front and no one moving left. Congestion for absolutely no reason. The controllers had obviously seen this as there were matrix board messages being shown to move left.
I was on one of those drivers awareness courses a fair few months back. The first thing we were asked to do was say what annoys us most about other drivers. One guy said people that undertake. The guy taking the course didn't show a huge amount of sympathy and basically said the way to deal with undertakers is to make sure you're in the left hand lane.
I was on one of those drivers awareness courses a fair few months back. The first thing we were asked to do was say what annoys us most about other drivers. One guy said people that undertake. The guy taking the course a didn't show a huge amount of sympathy and basically said the way to deal with undertakers is not make sure you're in the left hand lane.
There is a big difference between staying in the left lane and passing slower traffic in middle lanes without deviating; to a manouevre left, pass traffic and back to the middle, and then repeat to right or left, being t wat as @KevinJH refers to.
I was on one of those drivers awareness courses a fair few months back. The first thing we were asked to do was say what annoys us most about other drivers. One guy said people that undertake. The guy taking the course didn't show a huge amount of sympathy and basically said the way to deal with undertakers is to make sure you're in the left hand lane.
I did a speeding one a few years ago and some sensible middle-aged woman randomly asked how come the speed cameras are so good that they can see through to the car speedometer and immediately know that you're going too fast.

genuinely had tears streaming down my face as I tried (unsuccessfully) to suppress my giggles.
Some of the most dangerous driving I have seen for a very long time on the M6, M1 and M25 on the way back from Brum. Quadruple Lane weaving at 70/80 mph. Absolute ****ing idiots that endanger every other driver on the road with them.
Sadly i couldn't agree more.
Been doing that run for many years. At one time i prefered the few extra miles using the M11 & A14. But even the later is now a pratt mobile lovers racetrack which mixed with the lorries on there I'm amazed there have not been more fatalities.
Myself. I booked the wrong day for the online xmas shop for mum. Now the ones of the correct day are gone. Epic fail.
The people over the road have their Halloween decorations out. Yes. Only annoyed as they are illuminated and they won’t turn them off at night and making it tough for some elderly people on this side Of the road to sleep.🤬🤬 as it’s mainly bungalows with bedrooms at the front of the house.
they do the same for Christmas. Which for them begins in early November.