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I've turned people down who were too experienced before. The issue had nothing to do with salary as we advertised that in advance and my assumption was that they wouldn't have applied if that was an issue for them.

The reason I took someone with less experience was because I was concerned the more experienced person would get bored and move on too quickly and I'd end up recruiting again in the near future. I wanted someone that would grow into the role and be stretched by it.
Good points, LB. Conversely I was once turned down and later informed I was more experienced than those on the interview panel and they didn’t want to risk recruiting a possible threat to their own jobs….
Good points, LB. Conversely I was once turned down and later informed I was more experienced than those on the interview panel and they didn’t want to risk recruiting a possible threat to their own jobs….
That's pretty crap. I wanted to recruit people that were capable of replacing me one day. I wanted to progress my own career and couldn't do that (internally) if there was no-one to replace me.

Those people must have thought they'd reached the end of their road career-wise...
The increasing number drivers who believe that there is no need to signal when turning right or left.
Personally I don't see an increase, just the same number of crap drivers as there always was.
Dear oh dear(Can I say that?). Britain has gone nuts. So after a little nudge from the government, cricket has now followed the same route as British Airways, Theatres and train operators in that some phrases are not to be used, like Ladies and Gentlemen. They must replace Ladies and Gentlemen with ''Hi everyone''. Husband and wife is to be replaced by partner, and the weirdest one, you can't say you're young at heart when praising maybe an older person, as it's now replaced by energetic. Absolute bonkers, as not many were offended, but a higher percentage will be offended by things we are now not allowed to say
Sad thing is, there must be a dept somewhere, whose sole daily itenary is to come up with more nonsense rules to implement on us?.
Look out 'daddy' long legs & 'lady' birds, you may be insects but you're current definition is in danger!!.
Dear oh dear(Can I say that?). Britain has gone nuts. So after a little nudge from the government, cricket has now followed the same route as British Airways, Theatres and train operators in that some phrases are not to be used, like Ladies and Gentlemen. They must replace Ladies and Gentlemen with ''Hi everyone''. Husband and wife is to be replaced by partner, and the weirdest one, you can't say you're young at heart when praising maybe an older person, as it's now replaced by energetic. Absolute bonkers, as not many were offended, but a higher percentage will be offended by things we are now not allowed to say. I knew it was going nuts when a cheery train conductor on LNER welcomed passengers with ''Good afternoon Ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. LNER came out and apologised. Give me a break. Now they are getting away with it, more everyday phrases will be changed in case they cause offence. Anyway Ladies and Gentlemen, that's all for now. Oops.
How very Daily Mail of you.
Yet more temporary traffic lights / roadworks scheduled along Ashingdon Road over the last couple of weeks of September, must be the most excavated road anywhere in the county
You should try living round my way. I think we have temporary traffic lights more than we don't. To keep us on our toes the workers keep moving them.