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People that go out for long periods (yesterday and today) leaving a yappy dog shut up inside which hasn't stopped barking because of all the noise in surrounding gardens! Before anyone asks, I AM keeping an eye on the house to see if someone is actually about some time and it's not just been shut in and left.
People that go out for long periods (yesterday and today) leaving a yappy dog shut up inside which hasn't stopped barking because of all the noise in surrounding gardens! Before anyone asks, I AM keeping an eye on the house to see if someone is actually about some time and it's not just been shut in and left.

Hmmm. I have two dogs and sometimes we have to leave them inside whilst we do jobs etc. How long we talking?
Hmmm. I have two dogs and sometimes we have to leave them inside whilst we do jobs etc. How long we talking?

Barking Saturday all morning, and then still was when I got back from footy and during evening - obviously don't know about while I was out; Sunday all day and evening; Monday all morning and afternoon.

I finally saw signs of human life yesterday evening. Windows and doors had been shut the whole of the rest of the time - you would have thought it ok to leave some upstairs windows open if, as in this case, there's no chance of access from a flat roof or anything.
Have you thought about telling them? They may not be aware that their dogs are distressed when they leave. Separation anxiety is huge in dogs and the majority of owners who are unaware is very high. And now there are plenty of toys and gadgets to help to try solve or improve this issue.
Have you thought about telling them? They may not be aware that their dogs are distressed when they leave. Separation anxiety is huge in dogs and the majority of owners who are unaware is very high. And now there are plenty of toys and gadgets to help to try solve or improve this issue.
It's a rented property and the landlord has been a client of ours, I wasn't sure whether to drop a note through their door or to contact the landlord - I'm sure he's ok with them having a dog as the previous tenants had one - just not sure which would be best. I don't know them and they live in a different road, they just back on to us - and being typically Benfleet, the gardens aren't very big so it's quite close.
It's a rented property and the landlord has been a client of ours, I wasn't sure whether to drop a note through their door or to contact the landlord - I'm sure he's ok with them having a dog as the previous tenants had one - just not sure which would be best. I don't know them and they live in a different road, they just back on to us - and being typically Benfleet, the gardens aren't very big so it's quite close.

Some people are different but I would certainly want to know if my dog was struggling when no one was home. It’s a hard one really, maybe a note? At least then it saves the confrontation if they take it the wrong way.
The past couple of days seeing all the idiots out on their motorbikes in shorts and t shirts because of the heat.

This poster I found sums it up how important protective gear is when riding.
