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I'm not sure if its making me happy or hacking me off, but I seem to becoming addicted to Minecraft. :unsure:
Metro carriages on the 0627 C2C from Benfleet.

They raise fares whilst providing fewer seats. Standing room only by Basildon.

Absolute *******s.
A millenial young 'un brewing up some fancy (and probably expensive) coffee with apparatus that wouldn't look out of place in a lab at the tea bar, when free is available from the jars. :facepalm:
How on earth can it be so hard to retrieve our Domain name.....FFS 2 hours, 5 phone calls and I have to send a ticket to a server we parted company with 5 years ago who kept it..still nothing.:nope:
Must be a shock considering how busy Nov/Dec is?

Only problem was that apart from Mad Friday and NY Eve it wasn’t that busy.

It's a total fallacy the idea that taxi drivers earn a lot of money. Yes, you get the odd good day, and certainly December is generally a good month - but you have to weigh that up against January and February which are very quiet by comparison. Both NYE and Christmas Eve weren't massive earners this year being on a Sunday and with people having had the Fridays and Saturdays before to go out on.

Kev didn't get to bed till 5.30 on New Year's Day and I know for a fact that he'd rather not have had to work NYE.
It's a total fallacy the idea that taxi drivers earn a lot of money. Yes, you get the odd good day, and certainly December is generally a good month - but you have to weigh that up against January and February which are very quiet by comparison. Both NYE and Christmas Eve weren't massive earners this year being on a Sunday and with people having had the Fridays and Saturdays before to go out on.

Kev didn't get to bed till 5.30 on New Year's Day and I know for a fact that he'd rather not have had to work NYE.

I didn't once say Taxi drivers were high earners! one of my Ex's dads was a taxi driver and I know how hard he worked and how many hours he put in just to keep a roof over their head and food on the table, all I was saying is generally speaking December is a busy period (it has been pointed out that this year not so much) and therefore it must be a shock to the system and pocket when January comes around.
Stub Hub

Just found out they don't pay you for tickets until after the event for which you sold tickets.

I am not desperate for the money but it seems rather unreasonable.
I didn't once say Taxi drivers were high earners! one of my Ex's dads was a taxi driver and I know how hard he worked and how many hours he put in just to keep a roof over their head and food on the table, all I was saying is generally speaking December is a busy period (it has been pointed out that this year not so much) and therefore it must be a shock to the system and pocket when January comes around.

Didn't say you did - just pointing out that some people think that's the case! I know last weekend was abysmal on the earnings front :sad:
Didn't say you did - just pointing out that some people think that's the case! I know last weekend was abysmal on the earnings front :sad:

Hope you kept your Turkey, to boil the bones for some broth this month!. On a serious note, have always thought that once the post Xmas sales have finished, how many people buy anything from Stellisons & Currys for example in Feb & March?. Obviously if your TV/ washing m/c etc break then you have to replace it, but if their staff get commission (?), then they must suffer a drop in salary?.
Hope you kept your Turkey, to boil the bones for some broth this month!. On a serious note, have always thought that once the post Xmas sales have finished, how many people buy anything from Stellisons & Currys for example in Feb & March?. Obviously if your TV/ washing m/c etc break then you have to replace it, but if their staff get commission (?), then they must suffer a drop in salary?.
People still shop throughout the year it’s more the Friday and Saturday nights which take a hit as a lot of people have no money left after Xmas. Personally I just start earlier on a Friday and Saturday and finish earlier. I also work early Sunday mornings to make up for any potential loss of earnings.