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Alan Hollinghurst'sThe Stranger's Child.Simply wonderful.(Some might find it a bit too gay I suppose).
Ooh duckie.
Alan Hollinghurst'sThe Stranger's Child.Simply wonderful.(Some might find it a bit too gay I suppose).
Still ploughing through the first of the 50 Shades books and finding it tedious in the extreme. Can't believe it's had the kind of rave reviews it has, I just want to slap the female lead hard....and in a way she wouldn't get any sexual pleasure from! Absolutely the most annoying "heroine" ever with her "firing up the mean machine" and going on about her "inner goddess" all the time, and as for the email conversations between her and Grey :punch:
Mrs MK devoured book 1, but is getting seriously bored with book 2. How many ways can you describe a winky going into a foo-foo? :zzzzz:
Might have helped the author of those books if this had been done before she wrote her awful books!Sounds like a good thread idea and one where SZ can really rise to the challenge:winking:
Might have helped the author of those books if this had been done before she wrote her awful books!
My wife will read any trash, but even she gave up on them. Complete pile of crap, and the author must be laughing all the way to the bank.