SJP Taxi & Private Hire ⭐️
I'm sorry guys, I just really don't see the problem. Perhaps I'm being thick.
May 2012 - The Trust liason notes as posted by Cricko indicate that the club hopes the Trust will assist with financing the pre-season tour as they did before.
June - The club organises the tour and arranges sponsorship.
July - The club asks the Trust if it will help with finance to the tune of £5K.
Now to me the issue isn't whether the Trust says yes or no; I just don't get why various trust members are getting so upset about the club actually asking.
Is there any real justification for saying "No" other than to somehow be seen to punish the club or, more specifically, RM, for having the audacity to ask now rather than putting a written request in 3 months ago, preferably in triplicate and on grovelling knees, begging?
It strikes me that some people are looking at this as though the club is a naughty child asking for extra pocket money.
I repeat - the motto is "To help, not hinder."
Thats because thats what they ****ing are - they said they had things covered they did not - **** em
Time to get tough