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Transfer News and Gossip Transfer Rumours Thread 2023-24 (Part 2 - Back in Business. Oh no we’re not)

Transfer news
Serious question. We know we are under a transfer embargo, we also know transfer window opens tomorrow. We think we understand that clubs can sell players during an embargo (but not buy). My question is IF we receive a decent offer for any of our players, who makes the decision to sell? Not always in manager's hands of course. And consortium don't yet own club. So does Tom Lawrence get final say or ultimately King Rat?

That is a good question - with any luck it is just a hypothetical question & the club is not selling any of our players.

Hopefully the current owner would say something along the lines of "I will only be the owner for a short time now so it's over to you C.O.S.U."

A tad optimistic perhaps?
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That is a good question - wiith any luck it is just a hypothetical question & the club is not selling any of our players.

Hopefully the current owner would say something along the lines of "I will only be the owner for a short time now so it's over to you C.O.S.U."

A tad optimistic perhaps?
As a Col U fan the thought of Ratty Ron having one final hoorah at your clubs expense, brings even me out in a cold sweat.
As one football fan to others, rivalry doesn’t come in to this situation. Wishing you all good news for tomorrow and the immediate future
Echo is reporting that the club has triggered the extra year on Gus contract..

This is good news, let's hope this is a sign of good news tomorrow and the club still has a future..
Either means embargo lifted (highly doubtful) or work around for GSM found. Whatever way it’s good news.
Do we know when it was triggered? It could've been pre embargo?

hope so.

It's the timing that does you isn't it?

A day before the so called deadline of COSU and with no official confirmation from the club, was it done prior to the Umbongo?

Has this been agreed in principle only and can't be ratified due to the Umbongo?

Is it an announcement meaning real progress has been made on the three COSU conditions meaning they are in a position to keep funding the club and we are moving towards long awaited completion of the deal?

Another item that creates more speculation, which is sadly run of the mill at the moment.
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hope so.

It's the timing that does you isn't it?

A day before the so called deadline of COSU and with no official confirmation from the club, was it done prior to the Umbongo?

Has this been agreed in principle only and can't be ratified due to the Umbongo?

Is it an announcement meaning real progress has been made on the three COSU conditions meaning they are in a position to keep funding he club and we are moving towards long awaited completion of the deal?

Another item that creates more speculation, which is sadly run of the mill at the moment.
The article says we "acted quickly". Either they have a different idea to me of the definition of "quickly" or this was done some time ago.
The article says we "acted quickly". Either they have a different idea to me of the definition of "quickly" or this was done some time ago.
Yeah, I think there was a discussion on this a week or 2 ago. It would make sense to exercise the option as soon as you know you want to retain the player and the option period is open, one would assume that was a few months ago. You then enter negotiations about the contract extension, new terms etc.

I've asked CP on X if he knows when contract was extended
If it was triggered some time ago weird why the club wouldn’t announce it when we done it
They haven’t announced any released/retained list at all. Same as last season. Not sure what the secrecy is as the league and all member clubs will be fully aware.