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Things to be done soon once COSU own the club.

OK realistic things that'll be done 1st.
Then longer term, refurb west facilities.
Fix north west corner issues.
TBD on whether they tart up or rebuild the North.
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I am sure there are lots of things as supporters we can help with that would save with cost and help them out initially
I am more than happy to support and help with this
I'm a carpenter and would be quite happy to offer my services for a couple of days if Justin and Co need a helping hand. Il even knock up a cross to hang Ron on
Great idea. I’d extend that invitation to anyone with an axe to grind against the club. Rumour has it you’re never more than 10 feet away from someone Ron owes money to in Southend…
I thought that was from a rat?…ohhhh - see what you did there! 😀
Always thought there was a "quick win" oppotunity to sell something upstais in the South Stand - where there used to be an food outlet - even if it was a hot drink vending machine, a simple food stall or someone selling merch - lots of people up there who cant be bothered to go all the way back to the corners or the east and west to get something. I know its a bit tight up there but could raise a few £'s
Well I reckon we are going to sell a fair few season cards ,therefore get the ground up to scratch as quick as possible
The way it was related to me is that the sprinklers are working but not rotating due to being restricted by the overgrown grass. This left huge rock hard burnt patches. Once the grass was cut down they were able to work properly and the pitches expected to be playable soon maybe next week. Think B&L are hard too at the moment, but it's early days and body fat, physical testing and bleep testing etc will all be done first.
Apart from one week it's been ****ing with rain all year, how???
The pitches were only redone fairly recently and needed a bit of looking after. At the hottest spell parts were not getting water. With proper inbuilt drainage it doesn't take long to harden.
The RH pitch has the same issue when not watered properly.
A proper thank you to Stan Collymore, without his push and input we'd never have got this far.

Absolutely - for me, a central protagonist in this whole caper. A catalyst for change.

I would like to think we could be very imaginative with this - selling a Collymore burger, getting some beer rebranded as Collymore Ale, renaming the car park as Collymore Park, having a Collymore Statue at the entrance to each stand, putting some large murals of Collymore on any bare wall, putting his face on the corner flags ............. you get the drift .........
Is a score board essential?
It would be welcome for when we play Soli Moors and score 13 goals this season but usually keeping tabs on the count isn't hard.