First XI⭐
A fixer upper more like a money pit if there is a buyer let’s hope they have deep pockets and long arms.Things have gone a bit quiet on the takeover front, we can only hope that this is because negotiations and DD are going on behind the scenes and everyone involved is bound by Non-Disclosure Agreements - which is quite normal in such things as outlined above.
I've been reflecting on the possibility of an American takeover and feel that, for all the reasons outlined in Matt Slater's article (decent fanbase, near London, currently underperforming), we might be an attractive proposition to a yank with deep pockets.
The Wrexham project can only have helped this and if part of their DD involved following events at the Racecourse Ground on Easter Monday to check out what National League football is like, then it can only have enhanced our prospects.
Yes, in recent years under Ron Martin's tenure we've been a bit of a basket case of a club but let's think of us as a bit of a "fixer-upper" and with proper fiscal management and some investment anyone could see that this club could fly.
I think Wrexham lost in the region of £3million in the first year of their takeover and hopefully whoever takes over will put aside a similar amount each year to bring the club similar levels of success.
I'm convinced that what we don't need is another property developer or investor whose aim is to make money from the club and its assets, we need someone like Wrexham's owners who have already got more money than they can possibly need and want a project that is going to be fun and rewarding for them and that they can get some personal satisfaction from achieving something. We could definitely be that project and for someone like Steve Nash - a former professional athlete - it could be his way of getting back the thrill and buzz of athletic achievement and the crowd chanting his name.
Hopefully with agents like Jez Moxey acting for us, alongside an articulate and passionate individual like Stan Collymore advocating for us we can attract just such a buyer.
It would be great if the Echo or the Trust could get an interview with Moxey for an update on how it's going and how long things are likely to take.