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SUFC: The Future SUFC up for sale

Our hopes and visions for the rebirth of Southend United, plus any plans published by the consortium for discussion
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The National League needs to step in and protect Southend United from the destructive impact of its Chairman.
Unfortunately they're more likekly wanting to protect the integrity of their own competition from our basket case of a football club.https://www.echo-news.co.uk/sport/23652027.finance-expert-fears-southend-united-heading-way-bury/

Today's meeting with the NL could work in our favour though, if they force the preoposed deal to go through well before the new 42 deadline, (incidentally on my younger brother's birthday the 23 rd August -not Rob Noxious's but the other one's not on SZ).
I wouldn't say the rest of the league can't stand us, especially when on many occasions we have doubled their normal attendances giving them a much needed financial boost.

As we know with this current pr1ck in charge everything comes to down money for these people.
I suspect they can’t stand RM and how he does business- eg Maidenhead et al. Take him out of equation I’m sure it changes quite markedly…
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The overall problem, as I see it, is not actually the sale of the club but the deal for the new stadium which Ron conveniently failed to mention at all in his statement, despite the fact that he has said many times previously (as a way of justifying the building of it) that the club is not viable without a new stadium.

I also assume that so many homes are needed as enabling development to pay for the stadium, so presumably these either need to be included as part of the stadium deal or, if Ron keeps the profit on these, the price of the stadium needs to be reduced accordingly (otherwise he’s being paid twice).

We don’t know if what he’s asking for the stadium is unreasonably high or if what Kimura is offering to pay is unreasonably low.

We just have to hope that there will be a compromise on this, otherwise the club will die.
Exactly this.

Ron's statement makes only reference to RH & the rent situation where we get a generous 3 year rent free period. I accept that he won't say more & probably can't in detail, but there could have been a couple of extra hints or phrases to give us hope.

As for the £1 it's just a smokescreen nothing more. As I & many, including judges, have said before the club is in all but name insolvent. It has no assets of note but plenty of liabilities, rightly or wrongly mainly Ron. So for your £1 you get nothing at all.

Ron is effectively playing hard ball over RH by even mentioning rent if we get promoted so that doesn't bode well to me as an accountant for what he's not putting into the deal around FF.

Kimura, or any other independent interested party, want a return on their investment & simply running an insolvent football club won't float. As they say "there is no there 'there".

After Ron's statement I feel even more like this is a dead duck. He'll walk away do his developments somehow & make his money. Ignore the caveats on there needing to be a ground for SUFC as the club won't exist & lets face it judges can choose what legal arguments they want to hear e.g. from a financial pov there is no way we should have survived yesterday.

Personally I don't see a investment return light at the end of the tunnel & I really don't think Ron cares if there is one or not.
Why on earth would anyone want to play Ron's childish game If we are going to lose points at the start of the season .Then you will be buying a club that's doomed to yet another of Ron's relegation game .
I meant more attractive if you own 100% so if you buy the 30% as you say you get the seat at the AGM. For Kimura they could buy the 30% and then buy the rest. Just a thought
Makes no difference, would still be a minority shareholder and can't make RM sell his shares. We'd still be where we are.
I know this is going to make me probably unpopular and Christ knows how many messages I am going to come back to later (currently in Italy, travelling home today, won't be back until tonight and frankly am not overly looking forward to seeing the NL decision today) BUT...

My usual optimistic self says to me that we are still unaware of something, otherwise none of this makes sense.

In court yesterday Ron was clearly relaxed and unrepresented. There was no grilling or uncomfortable interrogation by the judge, it was all too much of a formality, as though it had been previously agreed that that's what would happen.

Was that the case possibly? Ron seemed to know EXACTLY what needed to be done to demonstrate the circumstances to get an adjournment, so much so that it was granted before he even had to justify himself.

Now, as I said a few days ago, there is absolutely no purpose in getting an adjournment if within a day or two the club is expelled from the NL or if we are so strapped under the embargo that all the players (who can) leave. This means there is nothing of value left to sell; he needs to retain the value of the team, which vests in the players and management.

Whilst Ron has been silent as far as communication with us goes (which he said he would be in the press conference... shock, horror, he told the truth there!) he will not have been sitting on his hands this whole time. He will be doing whatever he can to protect HIS interests. If he thought there was a coin toss of a chance of all this going under he is not going to take the action he actually took. We all know he only works to a deadline. It was the 11th hour when he managed to get the accountant paid so the accounts can be lodged with NL to avoid a sanction... it was the last minute before the fine was paid to the FA so we can play in the cup competitions this year... again, none of this makes sense if the club stands a evens chance of going under.

So I am hoping and praying that there is a course of action he has got up his sleeve where he can get the embargo lifted almost immediately so that we can retain people like Jack Bridge, stop the management team walking and sign players that are going to help us this season. I don't know how or even if that's possible but as I say, to me, unless it is, then none of this makes sense. I'd maybe feel different if he was one of these owners who had come good playing Poker, but he isn't. He doesn't strike me as a gambler.

And now the unpopular bit... I cannot believe the number of comments on here relating to sudden revelations and realisations people have made... he only owns 70% of the shares.... it's not a club that's being sold, it's shares in a company that owns a club... and I'm so sorry, this is not aimed at anyone and I know it is complex, but if you do not understand the actual processes or legalities regarding the different legal entities in play here, then any comment you make or any thought you have is likely to be incorrect. None of us are in possession of proper information about this, but we are all back room lawyers suddenly when we think we know what needs to be done. A case in point... a few messages above this one is a copy of a tweet from Simon Cox, a highly respected ex player who has our club and interests at heart. A great guy. But he says that it's high time the courts made the right decision and tell RM to sell up or pay up immediately.

Well someone needs to bring that type of action against him then! Our court appearances relate to winding up orders for unpaid bills. Each one is taken in isolation and the court will only have jurisdiction over whether the bill is paid or not. It can only dismiss, adjourn, or wind up. That's why so many hearings are listed together... they take minutes and there isn't time to listen to evidence from both sides over whether or not a sale should take place or not But think about it. You can't force a sale because that means you have to force someone to buy. How long do you give someone to buy a company? 7 days? 7 weeks? 7 months? And with a deadline set by a court, what's the value of the company as it approaches the deadline? Zero. There's no incentive for anyone to buy early and it's all loaded against the seller. Unworkable, unfair and impossible.

So what if someone does try to force a sale, who would that be? A shareholder who is owed money possibly and who wants out... but they wouldn't care where that money came from and even then, who sets the value? To all the fans who are shareholders, how much are your shares worth? Diddly squat, that's how much, because there's a limited market to buy. Essentially it's only to any other shareholder as the shares aren't quoted on a market anywhere. How much would you pay to buy another fan's shares? Nothing.
The only buyer would be Ron, and how much would he offer? Again, nothing. They are untradeable.

So in short, no judge is going to (or even can) force RM to sell.

That's not to say there isn't any action that CAN be brought against Ron because of what he has done over the last few years, but I have no idea on what they might be and who could possibly do that anyway. I just know it's not me so I'm not going to waste my time and energy thinking about it.

And to those people who wanted the judge to wind us up or who want the NL to expel us, then shame on you. I understand the pain and suffering that narcissist has put us through but I do not want the club I have supported for nearly 54 years to be killed off to teach one man a lesson. Ron is 70, he will be dead one day but hopefully the club will live on. I'm 62 next week and I don't want to spend the rest of my life watching a phoenix club in the lower levels of the football pyramid thank you very much.

One final point which may help those whose mental health is suffering... when it comes to Ron, he doesn't care about you, me or anyone. He is willing to confront a stand full of fans at Solihull. Look at the video from the other night... he's there, in a power stance, square on to the crowd of I don't know how many... but does he look fazed? Bothered? He doesn't give a toss.

But I would suggest listening to what he actually says rather than what you think he has said and you'll find he tells the truth more often than you imagine. He's a nasty, slimy businessman who doesn't care who he walks over to get what he wants. Property developers are like that. I was told once by one (a very minor developer) that almost every developer has been bankrupt or nearly bankrupt at least once and it is out of that adversity that this mentality develops... a need to protect what you have and maximise returns at anyone else's expense because that's what they would do to you. It is ultimate self preservation.

To me, Ron is irrelevant. I cannot affect what he does or the outcome. I want him gone and it looks like we have 42 days left, at best. Or 2 if the NL go hardline.

But personally, I hope and pray that they don't and I am clinging to the fact that Ron knows what he is doing because of that overwhelming need for self preservation. Because he is a narcissist, that will be the most important thing in his mind.
This is a great post but the bolded line is particularly valuable and a general life lesson to us all particularly in the days of social media and unverified sources given far more credence than they deserve. Ron is a scumbag, I will have a massive party when he goes, but people do tend to focus on what they hear rather than what is actually said. He is often quite careful with his language.

You only have to look at the amount of people who think he called that fan a ****ing idiot on the Zoom call. It was merely 'idiot' - but he does love the ****ing club.
Exactly this.

Ron's statement makes only reference to RH & the rent situation where we get a generous 3 year rent free period. I accept that he won't say more & probably can't in detail, but there could have been a couple of extra hints or phrases to give us hope.

As for the £1 it's just a smokescreen nothing more. As I & many, including judges, have said before the club is in all but name insolvent. It has no assets of note but plenty of liabilities, rightly or wrongly mainly Ron. So for your £1 you get nothing at all.

Ron is effectively playing hard ball over RH by even mentioning rent if we get promoted so that doesn't bode well to me as an accountant for what he's not putting into the deal around FF.

Kimura, or any other independent interested party, want a return on their investment & simply running an insolvent football club won't float. As they say "there is no there 'there".

After Ron's statement I feel even more like this is a dead duck. He'll walk away do his developments somehow & make his money. Ignore the caveats on there needing to be a ground for SUFC as the club won't exist & lets face it judges can choose what legal arguments they want to hear e.g. from a financial pov there is no way we should have survived yesterday.

Personally I don't see a investment return light at the end of the tunnel & I really don't think Ron cares if there is one or not.

Ron has made huge gain on the club. If as he claims he paid £-4m and sells it for +£1.....A quik bit of basic math means an increase of £4,000,001
Exactly this.

Ron's statement makes only reference to RH & the rent situation where we get a generous 3 year rent free period. I accept that he won't say more & probably can't in detail, but there could have been a couple of extra hints or phrases to give us hope.

As for the £1 it's just a smokescreen nothing more. As I & many, including judges, have said before the club is in all but name insolvent. It has no assets of note but plenty of liabilities, rightly or wrongly mainly Ron. So for your £1 you get nothing at all.

Ron is effectively playing hard ball over RH by even mentioning rent if we get promoted so that doesn't bode well to me as an accountant for what he's not putting into the deal around FF.

Kimura, or any other independent interested party, want a return on their investment & simply running an insolvent football club won't float. As they say "there is no there 'there".

After Ron's statement I feel even more like this is a dead duck. He'll walk away do his developments somehow & make his money. Ignore the caveats on there needing to be a ground for SUFC as the club won't exist & lets face it judges can choose what legal arguments they want to hear e.g. from a financial pov there is no way we should have survived yesterday.

Personally I don't see a investment return light at the end of the tunnel & I really don't think Ron cares if there is one or not.
Spot-on, superb post.

When you strip it all down to basics, by hook or by crook, Ron will be just fine financially with or without the football club's future existence. How he expects anyone of sound mind to swallow his "framework of terms" is beyond my comprehension. Unless you're a millionaire/billionaire, Southend United supporting philanthropist, nobody is buying the club in isolation. As I've said numerous times before, any purchaser (Kimura or otherwise) is always going to want control over the new stadium and training ground - they're the key to unlock profitability.

I'm hoping, praying he has an epiphany, accepts the reality that the club can be saved and that he can still make his fortune. I won't hold my breath though.
Spot-on, superb post.

When you strip it all down to basics, by hook or by crook, Ron will be just fine financially with or without the football club's future existence. How he expects anyone of sound mind to swallow his "framework of terms" is beyond my comprehension. Unless you're a millionaire/billionaire, Southend United supporting philanthropist, nobody is buying the club in isolation. As I've said numerous times before, any purchaser (Kimura or otherwise) is always going to want control over the new stadium and training ground - they're the key to unlock profitability.

I'm hoping, praying he has an epiphany, accepts the reality that the club can be saved and that he can still make his fortune. I won't hold my breath though.
So unless a leopard changes his spots we, as a club, are finished. Depressing doesn’t quite cover it.

How do we change the state of play?
I suspect they can’t stand RM and how he does business- eg Maidenhead et al. Take him out of equation I’m sure it changes quite markedly…
There isn't a sane person on this planet who would not hate the way he does business but as a club/fan base I don't think we would be hated.
I notice from my reading of the Chamirman's statement on the OS that he still proposes to retain control of Roots Hall and presumably a sizeable chunk of FF too in any proposed deal.Any comment?

Yes...."You are always two days behind us with the latest news"

Do you still have to wait in Spain for yesterdays tabloids to flown out on a prop plane? The Echo is probably two days.
Kimura, or any other independent interested party, want a return on their investment & simply running an insolvent football club won't float. As they say "there is no there 'there".
Anyone coming in to buy the club would have known this well in advance so I don't see why it's a problem now. The new stadium/training set up is the only way the club will make any money, any fan could have told them that.
I do think that it does happen with PLCs sometimes, i.e. that a company buys, says 75% of the shares and are then legally allowed to buy the rest. I'm not sure a) if that is correct, b) of that is applicated to Ltd companies and c) how they go about it.
I believe it’s actually 90%

The 75% threshold is more to do with the vote required to pass a special resolution but that’s not the shareholding required it’s the % of votes cast. With 30ish % of the votes in other shareholders hands I would guess if push came to shove at least 15% of the total shares are either inactive ( shareholder no longer with us) or wouldn’t be used in any vote . So in effect 75%of the 85% equates to less than % of shares RM controls

I am not a shareholder but what would be interesting is if 10% of the shareholders were able to work together to call what always used be known as an EGM to pass a resolution to remove the directors alongside other resolutions which could well force RMs hand
Anyone coming in to buy the club would have known this well in advance so I don't see why it's a problem now. The new stadium/training set up is the only way the club will make any money, any fan could have told them that.
I suspect they were wanting the sale to include RH& FF or something similar but it seems that RM will only sell the Football club debts and all
Anyone coming in to buy the club would have known this well in advance so I don't see why it's a problem now. The new stadium/training set up is the only way the club will make any money, any fan could have told them that.

Don’t forget the slapup full English before hitting the sand😋
Washed down with a pint of Carlsberg from a stupid waiter who don't speak English.
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