Some observations from a retired commercial solicitor who was in practice for 55 years.As a commercial accountant for 45 years & having done DD reviews on a number of prospective purchases, including some very, very dodgy cash businesses where their reported outgoings were so far outside their income, sound familiar?, a purchase was entirely inappropriate I'd be very surprised if this goes smoothly.
The guys I worked for were "not strictly legal" so tax avoidance, well in most cases evasion, was a bit of a sport & I'd be very surprised having looked many times at the horrible complexity Crooked Ron has created over years in the myriad of accounts around the club there was a way through the murk. That's normal for a successful property developer to be honest but then they generally have the means to choose the project that he never has had.
I'd really, really not like to be the one signing this off.
First, As we know there was a delay in filing the accounts at Companies House. I would guess that this was because the auditors required more current information before signing them off. If that is the case then most of the information the purchasers require for their DD would be readily available.
Secondly, the purchasers will have factored in any obvious risk when making their offer. They would have been as well aware of the nature of the beast they were dealing with as we are.
Thirdly, the purchasers will not in any event, be solely making the decision as to whether or not to proceed on the basis of what their accountants discover during the DD. Nobody would, after all, contemplate purchasing the club as a purely commercial proposition. The accountants will report to their clients who will make the final decision and I'm sure that their client's interest in purchasing the club extends beyond the narrow criterion of its profitability.