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Breaking News Statement from Kimura Group

But you're trusting what Ron says ? and they may not want just the debt ridden club ?

But you're trusting what Ron says ? and they may not want just the debt ridden club ?
Why wouldn't he? He has no reason too stand in the way anymore! He's not well, he has healthy problems,people are protesting outside his house,he's probably worried about his family,he hasn't got the money to run the club! Why on earth would he want to be untrustworthy anymore? As for the club,every interested party who wants to buy a lower league football ball club knows there is alot of debt it's just the nature of the beast.If they want the Club they want the debt it goes hand in hand unless u are man City!
I'm the same @londonblue & @Suffolk Blue as I dont see where just putting money into a refurbished RH gets the rate of return an investor would want to see.

I’d add though that people investing in football clubs aren’t always investing for a financial return.

Some may do for philanthropic reasons, some for egotistical reasons, some as a plaything, some as a mix of all of the above .

It may be that someone is willing to lose a bit of money (which can be used to reduce tax liabilities and maybe boosts the profile of your businesses) along the way? This might adjust the usual investment ratios, so maybe someone is willing to invest on the expectation that they’ll only get, say, 80% of their investment back?

Of course if you’re looking for someone willing to lose money along the way it substantially reduces your pool of potential suitors….
When I see places like Westcliff Rugby clubs new HQ, you do wonder how we've not been able to find other sites over the years. I know its technically out of the Southend borough, but somewhere like that must exist somwhere in the borough or just outside?
The Len Forge Centre is quite a size.
I thought it had been established that the Car Park is in the deal but not the shop, and not the flats on Vic Avenue.
I believe the shop is included. The freehold of all the Roots Hall land occupied by Southend United FC including car park, club shop and all access ways.
Why wouldn't he? He has no reason too stand in the way anymore! He's not well, he has healthy problems,people are protesting outside his house,he's probably worried about his family,he hasn't got the money to run the club! Why on earth would he want to be untrustworthy anymore? As for the club,every interested party who wants to buy a lower league football ball club knows there is alot of debt it's just the nature of the beast.If they want the Club they want the debt it goes hand in hand unless u are man City!
If it's sooo attractive, why has nobody bought it since he announced it was for sale ?