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Echo News Southend United chairman Ron Martin approached by MP Anna Firth

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Since when did this forum end up completely devoid of empathy? I find the overuse of 'cancer' deeply unpleasant and irrespective of whether it's an appropriate descriptor, if people are saying that they don't like it being used in that way (and completely understandably given the very sad experiences of several posters) then surely it's easy to just say "sure, I'll try and use a different form of words in future".
That rule works in a small dinner of half a dozen but less so on a forum of thousands. We can’t all remember every rule that triggers someone and collectively attempt to avoid them all.

We should of course sympathise with those who are (often justifiably) triggered but I don’t think we should expect everyone to only use an ever diminishing subset of the standard english language.
That rule works in a small dinner of half a dozen but less so on a forum of thousands. We can’t all remember every rule that triggers someone and collectively attempt to avoid them all.

We should of course sympathise with those who are (often justifiably) triggered but I don’t think we should expect everyone to only use an ever diminishing subset of the standard english language.
It works perfectly well. It's not the expectation that everyone avoids it, it's how people respond when it's raised. Some people wanted to really dig their heels in, rather than actually reflect on what was being said and have to say "yeah that's a fair point I'll be careful in future, thanks for raising it"
It works perfectly well. It's not the expectation that everyone avoids it, it's how people respond when it's raised. Some people wanted to really dig their heels in, rather than actually reflect on what was being said and have to say "yeah that's a fair point I'll be careful in future, thanks for raising it"
I agree with this. Ideally we’ll try not to cause others unnecessary distress, but at a forum policy level I don’t think we can or should put it on others to do the same for everything that triggers someone else.
It works perfectly well. It's not the expectation that everyone avoids it, it's how people respond when it's raised. Some people wanted to really dig their heels in, rather than actually reflect on what was being said and have to say "yeah that's a fair point I'll be careful in future, thanks for raising it"
2 fab posts. The word doesn’t worry me despite losing someone exceptionally close to me to the disease just 2 years ago. But if others find it different - we should be able to broaden our vocabulary to parasite
The upgrades to the toilets are in full swing.
May be a black-and-white image

This was actually what the toilets in the old North Bank looked like. I think one of them is still there.
At the risk of staying on topic, toilets in the South East corner are still like this but with a roof.

I prefer the al fresco version as it’s easier on the nose.
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