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Echo News Southend United chairman Ron Martin approached by MP Anna Firth

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The upgrades to the toilets are in full swing.
May be a black-and-white image

This was actually what the toilets in the old North Bank looked like. I think one of them is still there.
They were like that in the West Stand too.

Come to think of it, when I started at South Benfleet Primary School in 1961 that was all the toilet facilities available to pupils there. It was fun when it rained.
They were like that in the West Stand too.

Come to think of it, when I started at South Benfleet Primary School in 1961 that was all the toilet facilities available to pupils there. It was fun when it rained.
Same for me at Hadleigh Juniors
The upgrades to the toilets are in full swing.
May be a black-and-white image

This was actually what the toilets in the old North Bank looked like. I think one of them is still there.
There's nothing like a bit of al-fresco relief.
I heard they were training at Garons and having to pay for it out of their own pocket.
If I remember rightly the first part was true about training at Garons,particularly when the players were not coming in due to late wages.

I’m pretty sure they weren’t paying for the privilege themselves though?

It wouldn’t be a big surprise if they continued at Garons if the clubs facilities don’t have working loos or showers! I’d still be surprised if the players are paying though as it’s clearly not their cost to bear…
Can we please, please stop referring to RM as a “cancer”.

I have friends whose 7 year old girl has gone through a battle with cancer, thankfully she has beaten it, but being a parent myself, what they’ve been through must be one of the worst things in the world, and I can’t imagine the strength of their 7 year old.

Please stop.
Im sorry for that BW2, i have lost my father and eldest sister through cancer,i understand your sentiments ,but its how i see that man. I will in future try to think of another word for him. May i also add my brother David just recently lost his wife due to cancer also
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Can we please, please stop referring to RM as a “cancer”.

I have friends whose 7 year old girl has gone through a battle with cancer, thankfully she has beaten it, but being a parent myself, what they’ve been through must be one of the worst things in the world, and I can’t imagine the strength of their 7 year old.

Please stop.

My wife died of Metastatic Breast Cancer just last Monday week (24th July).

I understand the use of the word in this context. But, at this time at least, like others, find it difficult.
My wife died of Metastatic Breast Cancer just last Monday week (24th July).

I understand the use of the word in this context. But, at this time at least, like others, find it difficult.
Bloody hell that’s dreadful. Really sorry for your loss mate.
Indeed, as always with the things we say. But the internet is a big place with many people, and most will have experienced hardship and loss in a dizzying array of ways and circumstances.

Let’s be clear this is an absolutely legitimate use, it wasn’t a laboured point merely a common comparison. Moreover it’s absolutely correct as a comparison.

Despite all my own past - and present - experience of cancer I was not offended or triggered. There’s no reason why the poster should have expected me to be either - or you.

I’m sorry it triggered deep feelings in you guys, but that doesn’t mean it was wrong to post it. Its a bog standard phrase, and isn’t offensive when the proper context and proportionality of its use is correctly understood.
You are so wrong. It is absolutely offensive to use it in this context.
You might not be offended, sunshine, but I know a lot of people who are, including myself. Don’t play god and decide which context it might be right to use it.
It is a horrible disease and I suggest you say no more.
You are so wrong. It is absolutely offensive to use it in this context.
You might not be offended, sunshine, but I know a lot of people who are, including myself. Don’t play god and decide which context it might be right to use it.
It is a horrible disease and I suggest you say no more.
If you hadn’t been so pompous and patronising, you might have had a contribution worth listening to. I suggest you wind your neck in a bit, because in addition to being needlessly and deliberately insulting, you're also talking utter cobblers.
You are so wrong. It is absolutely offensive to use it in this context.
You might not be offended, sunshine, but I know a lot of people who are, including myself. Don’t play god and decide which context it might be right to use it.
It is a horrible disease and I suggest you say no more.

Actually the person using the word defines the context, as in they are the one communicating their thought or opinion. At least that used to be the case

The context in which the word was used is a common one. If someone finds it offensive that does not change that the context in which the word was used by the person making the post is a common.

So, as per Spaceman Spiff's post above, you are posting complete crap.

If we could leave the language policing for somewhere else and get back to discussing the actual topic that'd be great.
Since when did this forum end up completely devoid of empathy? I find the overuse of 'cancer' deeply unpleasant and irrespective of whether it's an appropriate descriptor, if people are saying that they don't like it being used in that way (and completely understandably given the very sad experiences of several posters) then surely it's easy to just say "sure, I'll try and use a different form of words in future".
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