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Could we not get together and properly fund a really good private detective firm to investigate all aspects of Ron’s life since he was knee high to a grasshopper?
Do we not think all of his fallibilities have been put on show over the last 2 decades (unlike ours!)? Maybe when he was 6 he picked his bogies n ate them?
After yesterdays game with very little noise of Ron martin out could be heard .I have a feeling a lot are not behind you at present . Lie me even though i dont like ron martin i will still wait a few weeks to see what the out come of the high court comes to . Before i would throw my voice to the martin out brigade .
Anything to get Martin out. This is nuts. Wake up guys. Nothing has forced him out before, and nothing will force him out now. Quote: Nothing is off the table in terms of how we bring about Ron Martin's departure from our club. Yes, you will make it mighty uncomfortable and embarrassing for him. Yes, he will stop attending games.

There is nothing they or we can do to get him out. The end is nigh. This guy is going nowhere until he gets his windfall. Protests have more chance of bringing an end to the football club than him hanging on for his pot of gold and making it go bust.
He will not leave no matter what the fans do. He will collect his money. He will then most certainly depart and hand over or sell the club. The football club will be in a much better position, and will survive. Meantime, our best bet is to ride the rough seas and let this take it's course.
You said it 🙌🏻👏🏻
I agree, though I’m pretty sure Ron knows what most of us think of him. I don’t know him personally but he seems to like to portray a certain image of himself and the widespread negative publicity doesn’t fit that. I think the most powerful negative publicity will have been the humiliation of having it known that the fans had to donate money and the trust and sponsors had to provide loans to keep the club functioning. I don’t subscribe to the view that he will have been rubbing his hands in glee and thinking “What mugs.”

I’m all for keeping up the pressure as some of it seems to have had the right effect but as you say 'anything to get him out' and 'Martin Out NOW' is offputting as is the statement “If games are called off, so be it.” So basically if the club is fined and points deducted so be it? “Peaceful disruption” is illustrated by a picture of a previous on the pitch protest. If only the leaflet had provided an answer to their question “When he’s gone: what next?” Don’t they think we should work that out first?

The club’s statement says “We will use some of the bridging finance to pay off the HMRC debt. This will result in the winding up petition being dismissed.” We will know whether or not that has happened by the day of the protest. If it does I can’t see there being much enthusiasm from the majority of supporters for missing the first 15 minutes of a game they have paid good money to watch judging by the way the rather muted “Martin Out” chants didn’t spread round the ground. On the other hand, if this turns out to be another unfulfilled promise ……
Reflective post which I enjoyed reading, which then made the last line make me feel quite anxious the moment I read it. Surely RM knows after all this time that the precipice is irreversibly close. The tide will turn and run quicker than the Bristol Channel if any f*uckery is afoot (at that time), me included.