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Supporters Group News Protest News

Southend Fan Protest Group

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In light of recent public and private updates from both the council and COSU we have been in continual discourse with the supporters groups re fan action to save the club.

It is our view that now is the opportune moment to strike whilst the iron is hot. It is evident that whilst council timelines have been infamously unrealistic, we are only in this position of due diligence as a consequent of the Martins attempting to renegotiate a better deal for themselves.

We say ENOUGH.

Our demands are simple:

1. Immediately accept whatever amendments have been put forward by the council.
2. ⁠Provide tangible security for the 50% of club funding you so proudly guranteed COSU on BBC Essex, such that they can fund the club this month.

*Tomorrow 9am Benfleet Road*

Further protests over the coming weeks, in Benfleet, Camden and Leigh will be announced.
Protests will not cease until these demands have been met regardless of any attempts at pressure or persuasion from any outside stakeholder.
Not sure why the trust aren't supporting this.. the rats shouldn't be given space to breathe in order to force them into making this deal happen
We all know what the Consortium want and what the council have to say about the whole situation.We need to hear from the Martin's its highly unlikely but the ball is definitely back with them
Not sure why the trust aren't supporting this.. the rats shouldn't be given space to breathe in order to force them into making this deal happen
Protests have played & continue to play a significant role in the Martins (hopefully) departure from our club. It's undeniable that they have a considerable effect on the family when they occur & persist. Consequently, the Martins dedicate a substantial amount of time attempting to prevent them, time that could be better spent finalising a new deal instead of dwelling on protests & their origins. This perspective has been emphasised by key stakeholders. While the Martins deserve this attention, our priority is expediting the completion of the deal.
Said he would provide personal guarantees
His guarantees mean diddly squat. As proven in the past. Talk is cheap. It's one of the reasons we are at this stage now. In 2000, he promised we would be playing in a new stadium very soon. He's promised loads of things over the years, virtually none have happened. His actions and words have highlighted how untrustworthy he is. He speaks to get people off his back. Only him and Jack know what they are really up to with this deal.
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